Chapter 17: Drunk On You Baby

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I took one last look in the mirror before leaving for Patricks, I was so excited to see his family. I had texted his sister and she told me not to go to dressed up so my black skinny jeans, dark blue peplum shirt and some black heels got the job done. I had me hair done in a nice bun, which would probably be taken out at the end of the night. I grabbed my black purse and headed over to the bakery around the corner. I got there 10 minutes before they closed and was able to get a few pastries, so I wouldn't show up empty handed to the Kane residence.

Once I arrived at Patricks apartment complex, I found parking and headed up to his apartment which was more like a pent house. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door that was opened by Erika.

"Oh my gosh you came!" she squealed while pulling me into a hug

"Is your mother cooking? It smells so good" I laughed as I walked into the house. I was glad I hadn't over dressed because Erika just had a simple skirt with a red shirt on and her sisters were dressed similarly. Once they saw me they embraced me with hugs, I was finally able to sneak away and say hello to Patricks parents.

"Donna I can't wait to see what you cooked this time! I also brought some stuff for desert"

"You didn't have to" she laughed "but go set them on the counter"

Once I did that his sisters called me over to the living room area. We were all sitting on the sofa with the football game on when Patrick walked out. He had dark blue jeans on and a royal blue shirt on. My hand slipped over my mouth to hide my giggles that were drowned out by his sisters.

"What?" He said fixing his shirt

"Did you guys call and coordinate outfits?" Asked Jackie, trying to hold on her laugh.

Patrick than looked down and than his eyes moved to me.

"Really?" he laughed

"I'm pretty sure I got way dressed before you"

"We all know how he procrastinates" laughed Erica. Patrick just rolled his eyes at the comment as he walked by and headed to the kitchen. I stayed on the sofa with his sisters and father.

"So how are you liking the job?" Asked His father

"I mean it's great, I've traveled with the team a little bit, still can't believe its real" I laughed

"I'm really glad your liking it, Patrick told me you were traveling"

"Not like he ever shuts up about you" laughed Jackie under her breath, I pretended not to hear her.

"Yea, Coach Q has asked me to tag along since we've been missing a few of the equipment guys and I can fill there spots temporarily"

"Hey um Jon's stopping by later with the family, is that okay?" Asked Patrick as he stood in the living room

"Sure, I miss his brother" laughed Erica. I could see Patrick wasn't to happy with that but he just rolled his eyes.

"Anyways the food is ready so come on"

We all followed into the dining room/kitchen.

The dinning room table which was set up temporarily because it's normally not here was draped in a beautiful table cloth and than a runner. On the runner was different food items from mozzarella with tomatoes to mashed potatoes and gravy. Donna had really went all out but it looked really good. I took my seat, Patrick and Erikca took their seats next to me, across sat his 2 sisters and at the heads of the table was his Parents. We started off with appetizers, which was enough to fill you up completely without the main course. For the main course we kept it American, a turkey with stuffing and mashed potatoes on the side. I normally hated turkey, it's was bland and dry, but the way Donna had made it, it was actually enjoyable.

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