Chapter 18: Im coming

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*patricks POV*

I woke up so an unfamiliar scent, a girly scent. It lingered in my bed but there was no girl. I lifted my head that was pounding, what a headache I had.
"What happened last night?' I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed. I walked into the kitchen to find a note lying on the counter, Alyssa had stayed the night? Looking over at the couch I saw a disheveled blanket and one of Alyssa's bracelets. I remember that yesterday was Thanksgiving and Alyssa had stayed late to help me clean. Scratching my head I walked over to the mirror, noticing something pink on my face I looked closer. "Lipstick?" I said confused. My sisters hated wearing lipstick as why would they have kissed my cheek and neck. No way Alyssa could've done this I thought as I wiped it.

After cleaning my face I went into the kitchen to make some waffles when I found two wine glasses sitting in the sink.
"What the hell happened last night?" I said as I washed them, I looked around for a wine bottle which would have been a good explanation but there was nothing.

* It was an early morning because of morning practice, we had a game tonight but I really just wanted to sleep in. I got to the UC pretty early and found Jon in the locker room.
"Hey thanks for having us over the other night" said Jonny as he tied his skate
"I dint even remember what happened" I laughed
"That's weird, we didn't drink so you should remember" he laughed
"Than why were there wine glasses in my sink?"
"I don't know, none of us opened wine"
"Are you sure?" "I'm sure, after we left it was just you and Alyssa"
"Jon" "did you have wine with her?"
"I-I don't remember, she stayed the night apparently"
"Where did she sleep?"his voice getting louder this time
"On the couch? She left me a note saying that"
"Patrick what happened in the morning?"
"I woke up to a girly perfume, Alyssa was gone and somehow there was lipstick on my face"
"You idiot" he yelled as he slapped the back of the head,
"You fucking had sex with Alyssa!"
"No no way, I woke up with my clothes on"
"Well than you were doing some shit"

*Alyssa's POV*

I hadn't herd from Patrick since thanksgiving but id probably see him today at work. I still couldn't believe what I had done, I just kept hoping that he would remember anything. I walked into the UC and only my lunch break I went out to watch practice. While I was watching my phone kept buzzing.

"Hello?" I said
"Hey it's Riley I just got a call and a deputy is returning home early and wants to surprise his family, I was thinking maybe after the game we could do it? It would be a great segment for Blackhawks tv"
"Id love to do that, email the details and ill plan everything out"

Later that night the Hawks won against the panthers 3-1, we had located the seats of the family we were surprising. At the beginning of the third period I went and talked to them about coming to the locker room to meet the guys and there faces lit up with excitement. The wife was in her mid 30s with a 6 year old and 4 year old, one a girl and the other a boy. I told them I would get them a couple minutes before the buzzer.

We were now waiting to the guys to finish up with the press, luckily I had cut down on there time so the family could have more time meeting the players. Once we walked in they were completely amazed by all the players. Jon walked over to them and greeted them and each player followed.
"Thank you so much for this" smiled the mother, Angelina "they're big fans" she laughed with a tear strolling down her face
"It's not problem, that's why I do my job" I thank called the kids over, the mother now holding the little girl in her arms.
"We have one more surprise for you" I smiled "we want you to meet a VERY special player, if he could make his way out"

Just than there father, her husband walked out and tears just streamed down everyone's face as the family ran into his arms. I couldn't help but tear up a little bit.
"Daddy! daddy" screamed the children as they planted kisses on his cheek.
"Thank you so much" Angelina said crying as she hugged me
"You don't have to thank me, it was the least I could do for an honorary service man"

Once the family had calmed down Jon came over and was talking to the father.
"Thank you so much, I know I'm not American but it's like a second home here and all you guys do is just incredible"
"Well thank you for giving me the opportunity to surprise my family" he than turned to me and my team. "thank you for setting this all up"
"Well the fun is not over yet" I said smiling "your all getting hawks jerseys that are autographed by the whole team, and tickets to our next home game against the flames, also if we make it to the playoffs" that If got a lot of snickers from the locker room "you guys have tickets to the first home game of the playoffs"

Once we have them the jerseys and tickets they said goodbye to the team and headed home. I was in the back room cleaning up when Jonny came up to me.
"Hey that was amazing"
"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without my team" I laughed
"Well I'll make sure to thank them, how was your night after I left Patricks" he said quickly
"Toews what are you trying to get at?"
"Nothing, herd you stayed the night"
"I did, Patrick didn't want me to go home alone that late at night"
"And nothing happened?"
"Jon you know if anything happened id be the first to tell you, I slept on his couch than left early in the morning"
"Whatever you say" he than walked away.
After Jon left I finished than headed out to my car where I bumped into Patrick.
"Since when do you park next to me?" I laughed
"Since Sharp took my parking spot" he laughed but it's was cut short by "can we talk"
"Sure, what about"
"Thanksgiving night" As the words slipped out his mouth I began feeling my heart pound, I wish he couldn't here it.
"What about it?" "You stayed over after my parents left?"
"Yea remember it was like 1 in the morning and you didn't want me driving home so you let me crash on your couch"
"Huh,that's the only place you slept?" "yea why?"
"It's just weird it's-... it's nothing" he said cutting off his sentance.
"Okay? see you tomorrow" I said getting into my car.

The next day I had came home to a big bouquet of flowers left on my doorstep, I had originally thought they had been from Patrick. But when I brought them inside the note was signed from the solider thanking me for what I had did, it things like this that make so happy to do this job.

"Hey Gab" I said swinging open the front door
"Hey Lyss, why are you doing here" she said while changing the babies clothes
"Just wanted to see you" I laughed "how was thanksgiving?"
"Went really well, yours?"
"It's was fun, Patricks family is so sweet"
"Were gonna be together for Christmas right? or are you leaving to buffalo with your boyfriend?"
"He's not my boyfriend! And no I'm not planning to go to buffalo, I want to have Christmas with you" I smiled
"And the rest of Jack's family, his sisters are coming over"
"Fun" I said rolling my eyes
"There not that bad"
"God there so annoying!" I said taking the baby from her
"And like your not" I than shot her a glare. "Whaterver, I'll be here for Christmas but seriously I wanna talk about something, something big"
"What about?"
"Patrick's mom invited me to go to Russia with her and Patricks sister for Sochi"
"Oh my gosh Lyss that's crazy!"
"I don't know if I wanna go, I mean I don't feel like it's my place"
"They invited you, it's once in a life time you have to take it" "yea I guess"
"Hey and let's be real, Patrick secretly wants you there, something about you two" she said shrugging her shoulders
"What does that mean?" I said laughing
"Oh nothing, wouldn't be surprised if you guys started dating" I picked the pillow up from the sofa and threw it across at her.
"Shut up!" I laughed "but I'm gonna go, Russia seems so beautiful"

Small filler update, I hate writing these but there needed. Anyways Sochi is coming with something big! so be prepared. don't forget to vote and drop me a comment!

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