Chapter 15: Your little secret

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It was 2 in the morning and I was lying wide awake on the bed, images of Alyssa swirling through my mind. I couldn't get her last words out of my head "have you Patrick... Have you" Blatant, dry words that wouldn't leave my thoughts.

After an hour of her running through my head I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Ripping the bed sheets off of me I ran into my closet and grabbed my hawks hoodie and a pair of slippers. I threw them on as I stumbled out to the living room. I grabbed my keys and ran out to the car, I was gonna fix this.

Pulling up to Alyssa's apartment I began ringing the doorbell. After the 3rd time I took a seat at the bottom stair and waited for the door to swing open.

"Patrick?" mumbled Alyssa as she rubbed her eyes

"Please let me talk to you"

"Are you insane? it's like 2 in the morning and I have work"

"Please Alyssa, please" I begged

"Come in, its freezing" she said pulling the door open wider.

I followed her into the kitchen where I saw the flowers I gave to her siting on the counter.

"I though you said you didn't get these" I laughed

"What do you want Patrick?" she asked taking a seat at the table. Her robe hung to her one shoulder and her hair was tied into a bun, her eyes squinting at me trying to adjust to the light.

"Alyssa I know what I did was stupid, I'm stupid. I don't think about half the things I do and I'm so sorry I hurt you.... I waited 4 whole years to find you and here you are and I can't let you get away, I made that mistake once. please Lyss, forgive me" I pleaded

"Patrick I'm not mad at you anymore, Jonny's explained so much but I'm not ready to have a relationship. I have to focus on myself, my new job, and my new nephew. A lot is changing in my life and this all to much for me right now and besides Pat, we both know actions speak louder than words" she sighed, coming close to tears

"i promise alyssa, im gonna make it up to you" i smirked

"alright well you should get home, you do have morning skate tomorrow"

"speaking of practices, could you tag along to our trip out to San Jose?'

"ill think about, now come on Patrick im tired" she said pushing in her chair

I walked out of her house and out to my car.

"Fuck yes" I mumbled to myself, this was my second chance and I wasn't about to screw it up.

-------'Alyssa's POV


The next day at work was quiet and easy going, I went out to watch morning practice on my break. Patrick caught a glimpse of me sitting in the stands and waved, I waved back of course. After I few minutes of watching Coach Q caught my eye and singled me to come down to the benches. I quickly made my way over to him.

"Hey you wanted me?" I asked walking over to the bench, the boys in the middle of a scrimmage.

"Yea someone on the equipment staff can't make this trip out to San Jose tomorrow and I was wondering if you'd tag along again?"

"Of course" I said smiling

"Well how about you stay and watch the whole practice, I'm pretty sure your boss won't mind" he laughed. I nodded in reply and stood next to Q as we watched the scrimmage. He blew the whistle, causing me to loose some hearing. Than shouted to line up for a shootout drill.

"Who ever looses this will be cleaning up all the pucks! Kane your up first" he shouted

Crawford slipped into the net and Kane came in and tried to go low blocker on Corey who was able to stop it. A mad Patrick skated over to the bench and sat with an angry expression on his face. I bent down next to him

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