Chapter 36: Mine

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Alyssa's POV

"Fuck ya boys! fuck ya!" I screamed as we danced around the locker room.

"To Alyssa" screams Alex as he pops the bottle on the champagne and drenches the locker room

"Just like old times" he laughs

"Just like old times" I took a minute after I said that to take in the atmosphere. I missed this. The energy was like no other and even today these people here were my brothers.

"Hey come on" James says as he tugs on my arm. I no have no jersey on, just my chest and arm pads over my underarmer shirt.


"Come on" I follow him down the tunnel, I was trying to keep up but my hockey pants aren't the easiest things to run in.

We make it to the bench and I can see Patrick standing on center ice, one hand is behind his back.

I stand there a bit confused about why he was out there.

"Well go on" James says. I take a step onto the ice and slowly skate towards patrick. I'd hate to see what I looked like right now with my helmet hair.

"Alyssa" he smiles

"That move you taught me, it really came in handy" I joke

"I know, you did it better than me" he chuckles

"But that's not why I'm standing here, it not to make sarcastic remarks about that play.. it's to ask a question"

"And that is,Kane?"

"Alyssa being in buffalo made me realize how well you fit with my family. Being in California showed me the most amazing side of you. The-only-thing-that-matters-is-hockey side of you. Jesus you love this sport because I've never seen you smile that big. And Alyssa I've made so many mistakes but I know this is not one of them... Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks as he moves his hand behind his back. It held a single white rose. I felt a wave of happiness. Somehow I knew this was what I wanted, I wanted to be able to call Patrick mine.

"Of course" I say and he looks taken back by my answer. he stands their speechless and blank.

"I-I didn't think I would go further than this" he chuckles "this is yours" he hands me the rose "and I'm yours" I smile as I hug him.

Later that night i still couldn't believe what had happened out there on the ice, but that wasn't anything new. It was mind boggling that after all Pat and I had went through we were somehow a couple now. But the season would be starting a few weeks and than i'd see a little less of Patrick especially because my job requires me dealing with all players. I'm sure some jealousy would arise out of Patrick as I give my attention to the other players but he would have to deal.

"Here" He says snapping out of my daze as he takes a seat next to me on the couch and hands me a cup of coffee.

"Thank you" I smile as I take a sip from it

"You know, you shouldn't drink coffee this late at night"

"I could really care less" I giggle

"It makes you talk in your sleep" he blurted out

"does not!"

"Does to! I hear you from across the hall and its only on the nights you drink coffee before bed"

"Save it Kaner" I said as i stuck my tongue out at him much like a little kid would.

"I gotta tell you something" he says as he scratches the back of his neck

"What? You have herpes?" I burst out laughing

"No Alyssa it's serious...I'm going to be leaving to Buffalo in a few days till the beginning of September. I want to spend my last few weeks with my family before the season starts"

"Oh.. jeez Pat you're leaving me already?" I chuckle lightly

"You're more than welcome to come"

"No its okay Pat... Im gonna stay here in Cali a little while longer, you go spend time with your family" I say as I hug him tightly. His blonde curls brushed up against my face causing me to giggle.

"And stop shaving your hair, I like your curls" I say as I twirl one in between my fingers.

"I wont, just for you" he smiles


Short chapter but it's a start of something ;). Anyways this book won't be as long as my Sidney Crosby fanfic but it may have a sequel! Also check out my other story More Than Meets The Eye, it's a Tyler seguin fanfic and I think it's going to be the best story I've ever written so please check it out :) thanks again loves

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