Chapter 33: So Strong

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Patrick and I basically spent everyday together now. His injury was as healed as it was gonna get. Anyways fast forward in the playoffs to Game 7 Conference Finals. It was a big game, if we won we would be going for lord Stanley once more.

Things were looking great we had the lead until the kings tied it up. Overtime was hell, I could tell the guys couldn't take it any longer. I watch Martinez just get close enough and score the game winning goal, that's it we were finished. Gloomy faces filled the locker room, no one said a thing. Jon finally stood up "You can't win it every year huh? Wouldn't make it to special" he laughs and that gets a chuckle from the room
"Hey but listen we had some crazy comebacks and your all a bunch of beauts, I wouldn't want to win or loose with anyone else" With that the guys clean up their lockers, they would be here bright and early for locker cleaning day.

Later on at the apartment Patrick came over, it was my night to cook.
"Hey hey" he says as he walks into my kitchen
"Why are you so happy?"
"Because were going to Buffalo in two days"
"That's great Pat- did you just say 'were'"
"Yep you and me"
"I can't let you pay for my plane ticket like that, are you crazy?"
"Oh just shut up and take it" he says as he throws and envelope at me. Inside was a round trip to buffalo.

The night I didn't sleep at all, I needed to make my mind up about going to Buffalo with Patrick. I twisted and turned all night long and pondered the answer.He already bought the tickets, there's no turning back now, was my final thought before drifting asleep for an hour.

I stared down at my plane ticket as Patrick and I sat outside our terminal.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to" Patrick says with an assuring smile
"No, no I want to go, I want to travel" I smile. just than the overhead speaker announced our flight and we begin boarding our plane, there was no tuning back now.

I wanted to this tho, the last time I was in buffalo Patrick and I really bonded, maybe this time we would mend things. I took the window seat in within a half hour of takeoff I was fast asleep.

After gently being awoken by Patrick we were getting off the plane.
"Whose picking us up?" I question as we make our way to baggage claim.
"Jessica, my parents have something to do today" he laughs
"They probably have more of a life than me"
"I wouldn't be to sure about that one" Patrick says sarcastically. Once we bring our luggages outside, Jessica pulls up to the curb.
"Hey Alyssa!" she squeals
"Oh wow your brother gets nothing?" Snorts Patrick
"Nah, I don't really like you" she giggles, making Patrick mad.

Once we get back to the house I'm greeted by Erik and Jackie, I loved Patrick's family.
"So where are your parents?" I question as i open the pizza that Patrick had ordered for us.
"Vacation in the Bahamas, they'll be back in a few days"says Jackie
"Pat you didn't tell me they weren't here"
"He also didn't tell us that you were coming"
"Pat!" I say as I slap his arm
"That's domestic violence!" he jokes
"Don't you have to be dating or married for it to be domestic violence?" I laugh "but really Pat?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise since they all seem to like you, they'll be delighted to see you"
"Anyway, are we crashing at your place?"
"No, I haven't turned anything on in there yet, I literally have no cable so were gonna crash here.... your gonna have to share a room with me, there's no extra rooms" Pat smirks
"The couch will do just fine" I smile, causing his sisters to snicker
"It's okay Lyssa, you can room with me!" Exclaims Jackie

Later that night everyone had made their way to bed and I made myself situated on the couch. I had just snuggled up with the blanket when herd the stair case creak.

"I wanna take you somewhere" says Patrick as he stands on the bottom stair .
"Where?" I mumble
"Just come, its a bit nippy outside so dress warm" with that he leaves. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and throw on a sweatshirt.
"You call that warm?" laughs Patrick as I met him outside
"I don't get cold easily" I giggle
"Alright let's go" he says as he walks down the driveway, passing the car.
"We're walking?"
"Yea, is that okay?" he says sarcastically
"Fine with me"

The walk was quiet, it was different to look into the sky and not see the city in the skyline. Nothing but stars and the moon filled the sky. We reached a old bench that overlooked a lake, to be honest i was kinda of scared. We were in the middle of nowhere.

"sit" Says Patrick as he takes a seat on the bench, he was right, it was a little chilly. I take a seat next to him and he wraps his arm around me and i snuggle my head into this chest.

"I use to come here all the time, i always lied to my mom and said I was hanging friends but i'd just come here" he chuckles "The lake would freeze over and I'd come play pond hockey. No one knows about this place, just me.. And now you. This place helped me clear my mind, it was great" he says as he gazes into the sky

"Im the only other person to know about it?" I say baffeled

"Well my grandfather showed it to me, so I guess your not the only one. Grandps and I use to come here and we'd sit on this bench and just watch the stars.. I know sappy isnt it?" he laughs

"Not at all, my dad and I use to do things like that. He always brought me to this hidden beach at night and we'd just lay a blanket on the sand and relax at night... I miss him" I sighed

"I know the feeling" says Pat

"But i try not to be sad, my grandma once told me to never cry over lost loved ones. She use to say that those who die are lucky. They no longer suffer or have to deal with anything anymore, they are the luckiest of us all... She one time told me that we cry not because we miss them, we cry because we're still stuck and they're not"

"I've never looked at it like that"

"Niether did I but than I lost both my parents"

"You know something Alyssa? You're so strong. I thought I was going to loose everything when my grandfather past away but than you were there, dealing with your own problems but you managed to help me"

"Patrick I come off as strong but I, I am so weak" I almost cry

"Oh but Lyss you are strong, you are so much stronger than you'll ever know" He than pulls me in tighter into his chest. My ear is now pressed hard against his chest

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