Chapter 32: It's A Goodlife

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Alyssa's POV

I begin to feel the bed stir, but I was not moving. I carefully open my eyes, in fear that the light exposure might give me another headache. I see Patrick throwing clothes into a large suitcase. His curly hair was a mess and his clothes were disheveled.

I slowly lift my head and look around, this was not the guest bedroom.

"Morning sleepy head" says Patrick as he throws another shirt into the luggage

"How did I end up here?" I ask

"Last night you had a bad headache and I gave you the medication, seconds later you passed out in my bed"

"I'm so sorry" I say as I get up

"It's okay, it was nice to not be so lonely for once" he smiles

"What's the luggage for?"

"About that, um, we'll talk about it over breakfast"

I make my way to the bathroom and clean myself up before meeting Patrick in the kitchen.

"Care to explain now?"

"We have a week long road trip, you were suppose to come but your injury won't allow you to"

"I can come" I snapped "I'll be fine"

"The hawks won't let you, I've tried taking off so I can take care of you but they won't let me"

"It's whatever, you need to play" I say as I pour a cup of coffee.

"But you promise to stay safe right? I'll call you every night and-"

"Pat I'll be fine" I smile


There it was again, the pain. The pounding and pressure on my head wouldn't let me sleep. I quickly down the medication to make it stop but it continues. I make my way into my bedroom again where I quickly dial Pat's number. I pray that he answers.

"Hey?" he answered

"Pat" I mumble

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"The pain, it's still hurts" I say

"It will be over in a week, I'm so sorry" the line goes quiet "I feel like it's my fault"

"No pat if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten back on the ice"

"How's your memory going?"

"It's okay, I just can't remember something's" I confess. It was true. I couldn't remember what Patrick and I's status was. What were we? Did he love me like my dad said? Did I love him?

"Like what?" he mumbles

"It's nothing, you'll think it's stupid"

"Lyss please"

"I just don't remember things about... us"


"Yea Pat, I woke up and you stayed to make sure I was okay. I woke up in your bed and I just don't know something's that have happened between us.. are we-"

"A couple?"

"Yea... are we?"

"No" his voice becomes muffled

"oh, did you ever l-love me?"

"I do Lyss, I do love you"

"Oh" the line goes quiet. He does love me, I can here it in his voice and see it in his eyes. He loves me.


"I'm here"

"I love you to" I say

"Lyss are those medication getting to your head?" he laughs

"You've never truly showed interest in me.."

"It's just in scared Pat, I'm so scared. I don't want to get hurt again"

"I'm sorry for making you pregnant, it's my fault you lost the baby" he confesses

"Not that part Pat... remember the first night we met? The night I got the gash above my forhead?"

"How could I forget?"

"That night, I left my now ex boyfriend David"

"Did he give you that gash?" he gets angry

"He slammed the car brakes when I refused to leave Chicago with him... My head flew forward and smacked the dashboared. David abused me... I've just been so scared to get close to you"

"Alyssa i'd never hurt you"

"Pat you may not hurt me physically but mentally... It's just hard for me" I begin to cry into the phone

"Lyss please don't cry, not while I'm not there to hold you" he whispers "Id never do anything to hurt you Lyss, your to precious... We just need time, we need to move slowly" he says.

"Slowly" I repeat

"You rest up okay? I'll call you later" the line goes dead


I was home alone when there was a knock on my door. I looked through the peeping hole and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Patrick. I almost ripped the chain lock right off its hing as I pulled the door open and wrapped my arms around Pat.

"I thought your flight wasn't till 10?"

"I caught an early one, go chance and let's go get pizza" I quickly run off to my room to find my light blue jeans and grey tshirt.

"My shirt?" Patrick asks as we head to his car

"I didn't even notice" I giggle

"God can you believe playoffs are like 2 weeks away?"

"I know I'm super excited, hopefully I get cleared by the end of the week to return to work"

I did get cleared to go back to work, and my first game back Patrick got injured. I was sitting in the locker room with him as he moaned in pain. He fucked up his knee pretty bad.

"Well Kaner nothing's broken, just needs to be braced" says doc as he walks in

"But your out ill playoffs"

"No I can play"

"No pat, you need to be ready for playoffs" I snap at him.

We waited till the game was over and I drove the both of us home. Patrick wobbled on his new crutches as we made our way towards his aparment.

"I can take it from here" he says

"No, you took care of me now I'll return the favor" I say as I open the door.

Pat makes his was to the couch where he plops down. I open up his empty pantries and manage to find Mac and cheese, oh hockey players. I quickly make some and hand pat a bowl full of it.

"My leg hurts, my hands work fine.. I can cook Lyss"

"I know but I know you weren't going to and we need you on the speedy rode to recovery" I fluff a pillow and elevate his leg before wrapping it in ice.

"I could get use to this" he says as he snuggles into the pillow behind his head.

"Well don't!" I laugh

"I'll be back in the moring" I say as I pick up my bag

"No! Stay please? Lets watch a movie."

He picks out jackass and I take a seat next to him. 20 minutes into the movie I'm laying down on the couch, my head layer on Patrick's stomach. He hand ran through my hair as he chuckled at the tv. I still didn't know what we were or are but it was a good life.


Blah boring filler chapter that I didn't check. Anyways I needed to get this update out because I want to know what you think of a Tyler Seguin story? I don't really keep up with the kid but I just got a really good storyline to write about that involves him so lmk if I should write it!

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