Chapter 16: Maybe we can work it out?

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The annoying sound of my alarm going off woke me up in the middle of my dream. Stretching my hand over to my nightstand I slammed on the clock to make it shut up. I wanted 5 more minutes of sleep but I knew I had to make this plane ride. looking over the clock read 3:00 on the dot.

Ripping the sheets off of me, I pried myself out of bed and over to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and saw the bags under my eyes, I hadn't been getting much sleep but I dealt with it. I quickly applied some concealer and lite mascara than tied my hair into a messy bun. I scrambled around my room to find leggings and a tank. Putting those on I threw my hawks hoodie over it and slipped on my flip-flops. The phone on my dresser began lighting up with Patricks picture.

"Hello?" I said holding the phone to my face while picking up my purse

"I'm outside"

"Alright coming" I said hanging up.

Shoving the phone in my sweatshirt pocket I picked up my duffel bag and lugged it out to the car where Patrick helped put it in the trunk.

We stayed quiet on the ride to airport, which was expected since we were both struggling to stay awake. Once we got there we were taken around back to the private plane where the guys were loading the luggage's.

"Here let me take that" said Bicks as he lifted my bag

"Thank you" I smiled than followed Patrick on the plane. I found a seat in the back of the plane where I got comfortable. Shoving the earbus in my ear I put on my music and drifted off to sleep.

--------Patricks POV

I finished loading my luggage than found myself searching for a seat on the plane, just as I was about to take a seat next to Jonny he stopped me.

"What?" I mumbled he than moved his eyes towards the back of the plane, I than realized what he was talking about. I lugged my laptop bag all the way to the back to the seat next to Alyssa, she was already fast a sleep. I put my bag in the overhead compartment than sat next to her. She looked so uncomfortable slouched up against the window, so after about a half hour of flying I moved her head so it would lie on my shoulder. I than slowly fell asleep, leaning my head on hers.

-------Alyssa's POV


I was awoken by the beeping on the plane singling us to buckle our seats for landing, slowly I opened my eyes to see I was leaning on someone. The familiar of his cologne lingered, making me realize it was Patrick. Somehow I fell asleep on his shoulder and he fell asleep on me.

"Pat... Wake up" I mumbled while shaking his arm, slowly he moved his head and I was able to sit up right

"Hum?" He mumbled, eyes still closed and arms stretching

"Were here" I laughed

"Hey Kaner, you two are to cute!" Laughed Versteeg as he waved a picture of us sleeping in our faces as he walked out from the bathroom

"Don't be a dick, delete them" he mumbled

"Okay let me just send them to you"

"He's an idiot" mumbled Pat

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you, I've just been really sleep deprived lately"

"Actually, I moved you.."

"Why?" I said while retying my hair

"Oh, you looked uncomfortable slouched up against the window

"Oh well thank you, you make a great pillow" I laughed


Once we were back at the hotel I went up to my room which was surprisingly on a different floor than the rest of the guys. Maybe it meant they wouldn't target me for there little pranks but that was a total lie. After I got everything settled, I was lying on the bed when there was a knock on the door.

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