Chapter 10: Bonding over the baby

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It was an early morning start today. I was awoken by my alarm clock, even tho I much rather stay in this comfy bed I forced myself to get up. I made my way to the bathroom and began running the water. As the water warmed up I looked for my short black dress with long sleeves. I finally found it in the bottom of my bag an hung it on the door before slipping into the shower. I didn't have much time for my long hot showers that I normally take but a quick one would have to do.

After my shower I changed, brushed my teeth, did my makeup and than blow dried my hair. Just as I was slipping on my closed black wedges there was a knock at the door.

"Come in"

"You ready to go?" asked Patrick

"Um yea, can you help me put on this necklace?"

Patrick took the necklace from my hand and I pulled up my hair away from my neck. He brought the necklace around my neck and clipped it together.

"That's really pretty" he said looking at the heart charm


"Who gave it to you?"

"It was my mothers" I forced a smile

"Ready to go?"

"Yep lets go" I followed him out to the car and we met his parents at the cementary. After the whole burial process Patrick and I walked out to his grandfathers tomb with a couple flowers. The tomb stone was beautiful and engraved was a picture of his grandfather watching Patrick at the game against the flyers where he scored the OT Stanley Cup winning goal. Patrick bent down and placed the flowers next to his tomb stone and I caught a tear slipping from his eye. I bent down next to him and rubbed his back for comfort, he than turned and hugged me, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

"God I miss him already" he sobbed

"It's gonna be okay Pat, let's go meet up with your sisters"

We got up and walked back to the parking lot where Patrick's family was waiting for us to return. Sorrow and sadness filled their faces as we got into our cars and headed back to Patricks house. Patrick put on a fake smile to keep his sisters from crying to but I could tell his heart was aching.

We spent a few hours with his sisters at his house. We were able to get the pictures Patrick had of him and his grandpa and place them in one of his china cabinents. There Patrick placed a cross necklace, that his grandpa wore, on top of one of the un framed pictures. We closed up the cabinet and it was a nice keepsake for Patrick to honor his grandpa. I promised him we would do the same for his apartment back in Chicago.

It began getting late, Patrick and I had a flight to catch tomorrow so we said goodbye to his sisters all except Erika who would be staying to drive us tomorrow morning. We had an early flight in order to be there for tomorrow's practice. Erika headed up to one of the guest beds while Patrick and I sat down stairs in the living room. I walked in with a freshly made cup of coffee and sat next to Patrick.

"How you holding up?" I asked placing the coffee in his hand

"I'm okay I guess"

"Wanna talk, it will make you feel better?"

"How do you deal with this?"

"Well first, your never gonna stop missing him. I mean eventually it won't hurt as much but it will never stop. You learn to deal with it so it's not as bother sum as it is right now but it does get better."

"How do you know"

"It's a long story" I sighed

"Please, please tell me?"

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