Chapter 14: Oh hi! I'm _____!

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(Hello fellow viewers! So here's another chapter. Read on and enjoy! *I DON'T OWN PERCY JACKSON OR THE SERIES*)

Jason's POV:

    After our glorious kiss, Reyna and I took a walk to New Rome. We passed veteran families and there children. We saw all of the Roman houses and shops. I thought it was like a mini Rome. But unfortunately, Reyna had some Praetor business to attend. So I just went to the Field of Mars to train with other people.

    Dakota, Gwendolyn, Bobby, and Jacob were all there waiting for me. And of course, Dakota was chugging on Kool-Aid. I put my hand in my pocket and grabbed for my coin. I casually flipped it to reveal a golden gladius. "Alright everyone, let's talk strategies. Dakota could attack first since he's a drunk and weak-" "Hey I heard that!" Dakota said. Gwen turned," Well it's true you know."

    Dakota became quiet and drank more Kool-Aid. "Anyway," I continued," Bobby, you can ride Hannibal to distract the other side of the fortress." Bobby simply nodded. "Then Gwen will enter the base while the others are distracted. Then I'll fly up to the top of their fortress and grab the banner."

    Everyone seemed to agree with that plan. I said," If this plan works, we'll definetely win the war games on Friday." Everyone cheered, except for Dakota who was still chugging Kool-Aid. I left the field and headed for Reyna.

    When I came into the Senate Hall, she was sitting by a table working on what were supposed to be letters. I walked over and Reyna spotted me. "Oh hi Jason!" Reyna sat up and gave me a hug. I looked over at the papers," What are those?" Reyna answered," Those are family recommendation letters. I have to fill them out to make sure the new campers get to the right cohorts."

    " Oh what fun..." I said sarcastically. Reyna sighed," Yeah, we've been getting new campers for weeks now. And I think there's a new camper coming today I think." I took Reyna in my arms," You know, you work so hard. And you find a way for me to love you." I saw Reyna blush, and I leaned into her. "I love you Reyna," I whispered. She replied," I love you too Jason." Then we kissed, which felt exactly like last time. Fireworks flew in the air.

    "Awww look at the two Praetors," Octavian interrupted. Reyna and I turned. "What the heck Octavian, can't we have a moment in peace?!" Reyna sterned. He sighed," Well I came in to tell you something privately, then I come to this." I sighed," Dude, I know you're our powerful Auger who tears up stuffed animals, but that doesn't mean you always have a center of authority and justice."

    "Well someone holds a grudge," Octavian laughed. My temper took over and I grabbed him. "Tell me what you need to say, or I'll take away all of your teddy bears and pillow pets!" He obviously seemed offended, and fessed up," Okay Okay, I'll tell you. It's about the gods. They're starting to fall silent. I can't seem to contact them. And Apollo doesn't seem to reply to my wishes."

    Reyna frowned," Well that's unusual. I'll check on the Temple of Jupiter in a bit. But I need to finish these letters first." She sat back in her chair, and Octavian came over. "I swear Jason Grace, I will get Reyna back. You don't deserve her, but I do," he whispered. Then, Octavian left the room.

    I went to away to the entrance of the camp, frustrated. What the heck?!? Did he really date Reyna before me??!? Does Reyna still love him??!? I'm so confused!!! I fell back on the grass field, flustered and confused.

    Then I heard a voice," Hey, umm are you okay?" I sat up to see the person had long, curly cinnamon-brown hair. She was Black, and she had golden eyes. " Oh, are you our new camper?" I asked. The girl replied," Yeah I think. Oh I shoud introduce myself. Hi, I'm Hazel."

(Ooooooooo this is getting good!! Don't you think so? Anyway, another chapter done! I have so many ideas for Camp Jupiter, but I don't want to leave Percy and Annabeth!! I'm so confused!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha. Anyway, check for other upcoming chapters. Bye everyone!!)

P.S. I want to start a new book, but I don't know what to write. You can message me any suggestions, or you can comment to send me suggestions. Hehehe bye!


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