Chapter 2: Seeing You Again

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As the day quickly turned into night, Vanessa prepared herself for a good night rest. She changed into her night clothes, brushed her teeth, and said a prayer. Before she slid into bed, she went to tell her parents goodnight. 

Vanessa knocks on their bedroom door.

"Come in" mama said.

"Hey I just came to tell y'all goodnight."

"That's it?" mama said.

"Yeah I'm really tired."

"Ok...are you ready for the big day tomorrow?" daddy said.

"Oh school? of course!"

"You sure you're not nervous?" mama said.

"Well maybe a little." Vanessa said. "But I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Ok well you have a goodnight rest hun" mama said. "Goodnight" dad said. 


Vanessa went off to bed. "It's time to start this year off right! Only positive thoughts!" Vanessa thought. The only thing that worried Vanessa was whether she would see Pac again. "I really hope that I see him again. I'm really glad we met. He seem to be a really cool guy. And his smile...oh that smile of his is to die for! He got the most beautiful smile I ever laid eyes on. When he speaks and smiles, he lights up the room and my heart just flutters ha ha. Maybe we'll see each other again...just maybe." Vanessa drifted to sleep.

Morning came & Vanessa's alarm went off. She laid in the bed for about 15 minutes then quickly got up & took a shower. After taking a shower 🚿 she brushed her teeth. She looked in the closet at her clothes & decided to wear a flimsy white long sleeve dress with sandals.

After her parents gave her a ride and dropped her off to school

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After her parents gave her a ride and dropped her off to school. She made her way to the front office overhearing a conversation between the principal and a student.

"Now you know got a beautiful voice. It is out of this world. Your range is untouchable!" the principal said. 

"Principal Clark there are plenty of talented students here. Why you wanna choose me to sing in front of these goats who don't know the value of respect? You saw what those girls did to me the other day! Everyone hates me!" the student said.

"I know you been through a lot but you can't let them take away the light that shines in you. When you get on that stage and sing your heart out they'll wish that they were nice to you then." the principal said. The principal looked over and saw Vanessa peeking through the door "Oh looks like we got company. Why don't you come in?"

"Oh...haha Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, but I am a new student here and I came to get my schedule."

"Oh you're Vanessa Hudgens right?"

"Yes sir"

"Oh ok let me print that out for you."

Vanessa glanced at the student sitting down. "Hi" Vanessa waved.

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