Chapter 10: Crabs in a Barrel

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A whole month had flew by and it was getting close to summer break. Pac & Vanessa had been dating over 1 month now. Vanessa is so happy to be with him. She is so grateful for the time they spend together and pleased that everything is going so well in their relationship. She knew that she could count on him for anything and that made her feel good about him.

Vanessa laid on the bed on the phone talking to her friend Mariah.

"Girl me & 2pac got a date tomorrow & I am so ready for it!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"What do y'all plan to do? Do you know?" Mariah asked.

" No he just so full of surprises and he's romantic!"

"What did y'all do yesterday after school?"

"Girl we went to the park and ate ice cream and then we went to the garden."

" Oh my God that place is beautiful what did you both do there?"

"We talked and kissed. He even recited a poem he wrote."

"Was it about you?"

"Nah it was about a rose that grew from a concrete"

" A rose growing from a concrete? That doesn't make any sense."

"Well he didn't mean it literally. It was just an analogy about how sometimes you can come from nothing and still be success in life. People may doubt you but as long as you keep your dream alive you can still make it."

"Wow... that's powerful. I never would have thought of that."

" Yeah he is so creative and talented. I keep telling him he's got a gift but... he still doubts himself."

" Just like in his poem huh"

"Yeah the irony"

Vanessa worried about Pac. She hoped that he would gain some confidence in himself.

Pac was at Treach's house, playing cards with him, MC Hammer, & some other guy.

They decided to make the game more fun by playing for money. "I beat you twice last time we played this now watch me beat you again" Pac chuckled.

"Oh you think you got it huh" Treach said.

"Uh huh"

"You must forgot those times I beat you. So you got competition my friend"

"Man I'll beat all of y'all! Shut up and throw the card" MC Hammer said.

The other guy was very quiet. He didn't say much during the game.

"Aye Kel what's up with you?"

"Nothin man why you ask"

"You been kinda quiet bro"

"Nah man just got a lot on my mind that's all"

"You good bro?"

"I just told you I got a lot on my mind"

"Ok man just asking anyway let's get this game started."

Pac and his homies were having a good time playing cards, eating pizza, & cracking jokes.

"Me and this girl was going wild the other night" Treach said. "When I was beating that pussy her titties were bouncing so hard, I thought they were going to fall on my face!" He laughed.

"Damn you lucky as fuck!" MC Hammer laughed.

"Yeah I got me that goody good pussy" Treach said. "Her pussy was so wet it felt like I was dipping in the ocean"

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