Chapter 16: Can We Get It Together

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"Man it is so good to see you again Pac! It ain't been the same without you!" Treach said.

"Good to finally have you back homie!" Hammer said.

"Yeah I'm so glad to be back" Pac said. "But unfortunately I won't be here for long."

"What's going on man?" Treach looked concerned.

"My fam and I gon be moving to California"

MC Hammer and Treach looked shocked. "What!?"

"Noooo!" Treach shouted.

"Wait wait wait before you get in your feelings! The good news is that a record label called Interscope saw a tape of me performing my raps on stage and they are interested."

"Word!" MC Hammer exclaimed.

"That's dope bro!" Treach exclaimed.

" They also wanna add me as a new member to the group Digital Underground. So I'm gonna be on TV, shows, live performances, music videos, and maybe even movies!" Tupac smiled, he was excited.

"Man that's awesome! I wish we could go with you!"

"Man if I make it, I'm gon make sure y'all make in that studio with me too! We'll be making music together! Imma have my cousin, brother, and all my friends along with me. I'm not leaving you all behind."

MC Hammer and Treach high fived and hugged Pac. They was so grateful to know that even though he'll be reaching success, he still will remain being their friend and not forget about them.

"So what about yo girl Vanessa?"

"I don't know. I don't know what I'm gonna do about that."

Tupac really didn't know what to do. He felt bad about her seeing him get arrested. He thought that maybe it would best for them to not be together anymore. He wanted her to feel safe and he knew that regardless of how far he tries to stay away from danger, trouble will always follow him. He feels that Vanessa deserves better.

"Please don't tell her anything. I rather her hear it from me."

"Aye no worries! We'll let you handle that" Treach said.

"Thank you"


Tupac couldn't wait to see Vanessa. Even though he felt in his heart that he should put their relationship to an end, he still wanted to see her.

He didn't know how he was going to tell her about him leaving Baltimore to move to Oakland but he knew that he was going to have to let her know sooner or later.

Tupac walked nervously to her front door. Before knocking he took a glimpse in the window of her and her family enjoying dinner together. He smiled to himself. " She's got what I've always wished for... a two-parent household" he thought.

Tupac's father left when he was really young. The only person closer to a father to him was his stepfather who later on got sent to prison after being charged for armed robbery and murder of three cops. He was sentenced to 60 years. It broke Tupac's heart to see his stepfather go. 
He was only 9 years old at the time his stepfather got arrested.

Tupac looked down at the ground. " I don't know what I'm going to do. I really want to be with her but I got a new life ahead of me and I'm not sure our relationship can survive."

Tupac put those negative feelings behind him and decided to just focus on spending time with her again. After 6 months of being locked up in Juvenile Detention, he was not going to let anything stand in his way of spending time with Vanessa. After all he did miss her.

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