Chapter 4: Inspirational Love

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Ms. Afeni was very pleased to see her son walk through the door as she was fixing some strain beans. "Hey!"

"Hey Mama" Pac said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"How was school?" she asked.

Just hearing the mention of school made Tupac immediately think about Vanessa. "Great Mama"

"I'm so glad I sent you to that school. I knew it would be the best thing for you."

"Yeah it changed me a lot mama"

"I'm glad it did. I was so worried about your future honey. I don't want you to end up like me sprung on drugs & being a bad example of a mother."

"Don't you say that Ma!" 2pac yelled. "Don't you dare put yourself down like that!" Ms. Afeni felt tears rolling down her face.

2pac got up from the table and came closer to his mom. He put his arms around her and said "I really appreciate you mama! I couldn't ask for a better mother." Pac looked her in the eyes as she snuffled her tears.

"You know I do the best I can but I still feel bad about this dark side I have"

"Mama nobody's perfect. You'll get through it I promise. You are strong."

Pac hugged his mom again & gave her a pat on the back. "I promise you will."


Vanessa was laying in her bed daydreaming about her moments with Pac. "I still can't get over how amazing he is" Vanessa thought. "I can't wait to hear his voice on the phone. It so deep & sexy. Really turns me on haha".

Ironically the phone rang. Vanessa ran to the phone in excitement. However, she tripped over someone's shoe & fell.

Hahaha Stella laughed.

Vanessa gave her a mean mugging look. Stella continued to laugh. Vanessa shook her head and stood up.

"Vanessa honey" her mom said. "The phone is for you."

"Thanks mom" Vanessa stuck her tongue out at her sister.

Stella folded her arms & said "hmph". She turned around & walked back to her bedroom.

"Hello" Vanessa said excitingly.

"What's up beautiful" Pac said in a flirty mood.

"Hey handsome"

"How's life treating ya"

"It's going alright. You saved me from boredom"

Pac chuckled.

"It's good to hear your voice" Vanessa said.

"Yeah I've been thinking about you." Pac said

"Yeah I've been thinking about you too."

There was a short silence.

"I can't wait for the party!" Vanessa said.

"Yeah its gon be dope!"

"I didn't think it would come to this"

"What you mean?" Pac said curiously.

"I mean everything is just happening so fast. I met you then Mariah & now I'm bout to go to a party & I haven't been in Baltimore a whole week yet "

"Well its happening like this because it's meant to be."

"Yeah I know I just thought I was going to struggle at first"

Inspirational Love: You Bring Out the Best in Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now