Chapter 15: 1989

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"Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne."

It's New Years & the year 1989 has arrived! Vanessa and Mariah are having a great time partying with friends. This is their last year in high school and they can't wait to fulfill their dreams after graduation.

"I am so full of life right now, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight!" Vanessa said.

" Well that's because you're not supposed to go to sleep! This is not the time for sleep! Let's party (sings) all night long!" Mariah rose her cup in the air.

"Silly Mariah! You're so festive!" Vanessa giggled.

"I know darling! I'm the Queen of Festivities! Now come on let's keep dancing!"

Vanessa and Mariah danced while the fireworks beamed near the moonlight. It was so much fun and happiness.

As they say time flies when you're having fun. It was 3 a.m. and Vanessa and Mariah were still partying as the crowd died out.

MC Hammer said "Guys I'm all partied out."

"Oh no please don't go! It may be 3 AM but the party is not over!" Mariah said.

"Sorry guys I can't! I gotta get some sleep!"

"Hammer can get some sleep but I got someone going home with me tonight" Treach said with his arm around a girl. The girl blushed.

"Well thank you for coming! I really enjoyed having you all with us! It's been an exciting night" Mariah said.

"Yes indeed!" Vanessa said, taking a sip of her drink.

Vanessa threw herself on the couch as their friends left the house.

"No no no there still people here which means the party is not over. So get up my friend" Mariah tried to lift Vanessa up. "I know I said I wouldn't go to sleep but this liquor is making me wanna-" Vanessa felt nausea and ran to the bathroom.

Vanessa puked out all the alcohol she consumed. "Oh God I drunk way too much this time!"

Mariah set beside her and held her hair away from her face. Vanessa coughed out more alcohol. Mariah pat her back. "It's ok darling! We partied so hard tonight. So I'm not surprised that one of us is wasted. It's probably better that you are wasted than me because  last time I was wasted we were at Treach's party and that didn't go so well."

"Oh yeah I remember! You puked on his living room floor hahaha!"

" We couldn't go back home that night cuz the designated driver" she pointed to herself, "was too drunk to stand on her own two feet." Mariah chuckled.

"I don't think I wanted to go home anyway "

"Yeah you wanted to be with Pac, all loved up. You guys were such a cute couple."

"Yeah.... I miss him so much" Vanessa looked dazed, reminiscing about Pac. "I wish he was here to celebrate with us."

"I wonder when he's getting out of juvi. He's been there long enough. He should be out by now."

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