Chapter 8: Head Over Heels

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"Mmm"Vanessa said while stretching & yawning. She looked over to Pac, he was still asleep.
"Oh what a night" Vanessa said.
Vanessa leaned over to 2pac & watched him as he sleep. "I'm a lucky girl" she said to herself.
She laid her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. His heart beat softly into her hands. "I love you Tupac Shakur" she whispered. She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Well I guess I better get going."
Vanessa quietly left the room.
She walked into the living room & saw Mariah laying on the couch tucked in a blanket. Vanessa walked over to Mariah & leaned over to gently wake her. "Mimi" she whispered as she gently nudged her. "Mimi! Mimi!"
Mariah opened her eyes & awakened. She looked up & saw Vanessa. "V?"
"It's time for us to get going now" she said.
"Oh... damn"
"Yeah I know. Last night was pretty dope haha"
"Yeah I had way too much to drink" Mariah chuckled.
"Yep me too haha"
"Lemme get my shoes on & I'll be ready."

Mariah drove Vanessa back home. "Girl we got to go out again. I had so much fun last night!" Vanessa said.
"Me too! But no more drinks for me haha! I was too wild" Mariah chuckled
"Girl! Ain't nothin wrong with you. You were having fun just like everyone else!" Vanessa said
"Was I? You didn't think I was out of control?"
"No but you did puke on Treach's floor."
"OMG I did didn't I?" Mariah smacked herself on the head.
"Yep but it's ok"
"I'm going to pretend to not remember that" Mariah and Vanessa laughed.
"Mimi thank you for partying with me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you around."
"That's what friends are for darling! I'll always have your back!" Mariah exclaimed.
Vanessa smiled.
"So how was it with you & 2pac?" Mariah asked.
"Amazzzing" Vanessa said smiling as the wind from the window blew making her hair flow in the air.
"What did you both do last night after the party?"
"We just talked & fell asleep in each others arms"
"Are you sure that's all ya did?"
"Yep that's all we did"
"So ya didn't make out?"
"We kissed on the dance floor"
Mariah chuckled. "Ok. He's a keeper."
"Yep he certainly is" Vanessa said.
Vanessa felt in her heart that 2pac was the one for her & wouldn't take advantage of her. She felt like she could talk about anything with him. Her heart fluttered as she thought about the way he comfort her when she had an emotional moment that night. The warmth of his arms soothe her soul & the hurt that she felt drifted away.
"Well... here we are." Mariah said as she pulled into the driveway of Vanessa's home.
"Yeah... I dread going in. I know my parents are going to flip on me for being gone too long."
"Yep. That's parents for ya."
"Especially my dad. He can be a pain in the butt sometimes."
"You're 17 though. Almost an adult"
"I know. I wish he would get that through his head"
"Yeah well I guess I'll see ya Monday."
"Ok see ya"
"Bye darling"
Vanessa got out of the car & slowly walked to the door.
She sighed. "Time to face the inevitable" she thought as she put the key in to unlock the door.
When Vanessa walked in she saw her father laying in the couch asleep. She closed the door softly then made it to her bedroom.
"Vanessa" her mom, Gina said.
"Uh...hi Mom" Vanessa said nervously.
"Are you crazy?! Why didn't you call?! We were worried sick about you?!" Gina said as she moved towards Vanessa.
Vanessa jumped at her words & moved backwards. "I'm sorry mom it won't happen again" she said in a shaky voice.
Stella, her sister, stood in the hallway shaking her head at Vanessa. "Shame on you sis".
Her dad, Greg, woke up from his sleep. "Vanessa?"
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "Oh Lord now I'm going to hear from him" she thought.
"You had us worried about you. How could you be out like this for so long & not give us a call letting us know where you at or if you're ok?"
"Ok dad. I heard enough. I was wrong I get it. Now can we put this to rest?"
"Put this to rest?"
"Yeah I'm back home safe & sound & that's all that should matter. Isn't that what you said before?"
"Yes I did say that but maybe I was being too easy on you."
"Easy on me?! Dad wake up! I'm 17! In 1 year I'll be an adult! I'm not a little girl anymore."
"Yes that is true but you are living under my roof which means you should follow my rules. You can go out & have fun but I want you back home in a decent hour young lady."
"Ok dad fine! I'll be home in a decent hour!" Vanessa went in her room & closed her door. "Gosh!" she ran her fingers through her hair looking down. "My parents are right I should've called" she thought. "But when I'm with Pac it's so hard for me to break away." Vanessa smiled. "Last night was just so amazing! I didn't want to come home." Vanessa has fallen in love with 2pac. Every moment she spent with him, her love for him grew deeper. There was something special about him. Vanessa's thoughts drifted her to sleep.

At School

At School

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"So how did it go with your parents yesterday?" Mariah said

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"So how did it go with your parents yesterday?" Mariah said.
"They were very worried" Vanessa said. "But I understand I just...don't want them to think I do" she laughed.
Mariah laughed "OMG you bad!".
Vanessa laughed "I know."
"So I was wondering if we could go shopping one day & maybe get our nails done?" Mariah said.
"Girl you know I'm down. When would you like to hang out?"
"Hmmm how bout this weekend?"
"Yeah let's hang out Saturday"
"Saturday sounds great! I'll be looking forward to it!"
Bell rings
"Uh... we're going to be late for poetry" Mariah said.
Vanessa saw Pac making his way through the crowd.
"There goes my man. I'll be there in a minute."
"Ok see ya"

Vanessa walked up to him

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Vanessa walked up to him. "Hey handsome!" she said with a dreamy look on her face.
"Oh hey baby!" He lean over & kissed her & gave her a hug. "You look like you still hungover from Saturday. You alright?" he joked.
Vanessa sucked her teeth & smiled. "Pac..." she chuckled.
Pac laughed & kissed her again. "You know I'm just playing with you but you do look like you in the days. What's up?"
"Nothin I'm just head over heels for you"
"Oh you crazy bout me?" he said with a cocky grin.
Vanessa giggled. "Yeah I'm crazy for ya"
"I knew it" Pac kissed her again so passionately.
"I'm so not ready for class right now. I wish that we could just skip school & spend the day with each other" Vanessa said.
Pac chuckled "You know I don't mind breaking rules" his hand holding her chin & rubbing her cheek.
" Oh really" she said playfully.
"Yeah you know I'm that bad boy type" He chuckled.
"Sure but... you're not as bad as me" she said flirtiously.
"Oh really?"
"Well we'll see how bad you are Friday night"
"Oh is that so?"
They stared into each other's eyes mesmerized.
"Hey you two! Get to class!" Principal Clark said when he caught them in the hall.
They both giggled. Pac took her hand & they walked to class together.

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