Chapter 3: Hey Baby What's Your Phone Number

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Vanessa enjoyed Theater & being in class with Pac put the icing on the cake. He had love for acting just as much as Vanessa did & wasn't afraid to express it.

During class Pac would crack jokes with the class & make funny faces. Vanessa enjoyed his sense of humor. He wasn't afraid to be himself & she loved that about him.

"I truly admire this guy" Vanessa thought as she stared at him. "I think it was meant for me to meet him. This time in Baltimore has been a wonderful experience for me since I met him."

Pac looked up at her & smiled. Vanessa smiled back. The two shared another moment of gazing into each other's eyes.

After class was over Pac and Vanessa walked to lunch together.
"I met a new friend." Vanessa said with a smile.

"Oh really?" Pac said hoping it wasn't another guy.

"Yep her name is Mariah" Vanessa said proudly. "We suppose to have lunch together. Would you like to join us?"

"Uh...sure even though I don't know her that well. She's very quiet how did you get her to talk?"

"I don't know I met her at the office. She was very friendly. She help led me to Dr. Angelou's class."

"Yeah I notice y'all walked in together."

"Yeah well there she is"

Mariah was walking towards Vanessa and Pac.

"Hey Mariah! How was class?"

"Class was wonderful!"

"You know Pac right?"

"Of course! Hello there." Mariah greeted.

"What's up?" Pac said calmly.

"We're gonna have lunch together! Yay!" Vanessa jumped for joy.

Mariah and Pac chuckled at Vanessa.

"Hey how bout y'all come chill with me & my crew?" Pac suggested.

"Yeah of course! I would love to meet your friends. What about you Mariah?"

"Yeah...sure." Mariah said.

"Great!" Vanessa exclaimed.

While standing in line getting their lunch, Pac and Vanessa couldn't stop sneaking flirty glances at each other. Vanessa giggled as Pac made funny faces. Mariah shook her head as she noticed them getting flirtatious with each other. "These two are so silly" she thought.

After getting their lunches, they made their way over to where Tupac's friends, Treach and MC Hammer were seated. "What's up Pac? Oh hey Mariah! And Vanessa right?" Treach said.

"Right" Vanessa said. Vanessa was a little nervous about meeting Pac's friends. "I wonder what they'll think about me?" Vanessa thought. "I hope I give them a good impression."

"Vanessa these are my homeboys Treach and Hammer" Pac introduced. They both nod their heads at Vanessa.

"Hi" Vanessa said shyly.

"So where you from Vanessa?" Hammer asked.

"Cali" Vanessa said proudly.

"What part?"

"Oh San Diego sorry"

"Wait a minute you came all the way here from San Diego, California?" Treach said curiously.

"Mmhm" Vanessa nodded.

"Damn thats a big move!" Treach said.

"That's what I'm saying!" Hammer said in agreement.

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