Chapter 14: Keep Ya Head Up

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Vanessa finally made it home. She unlocked the door and walked into the house as she was wiping a tear from her eye.

"What's wrong honey?" her mom, Gina looked concern.

" Nothing mom just had a rough night"

"What happened?"

"I uh... I uh can't talk about it right now."

"Honey you can tell me anything. Please tell me what's going on? "

"No mom! I just want to get some sleep!"

"But Vanes-"

"Please mom! I don't want to talk about it right now okay?" Vanessa sniffed. She ran to her room and slammed the door.

Vanessa sat on her bed, clutching her knees to her face, crying. "Oh God! How could this happen? Why my day with Tupac had to end like this? I wish there was something I could do to get him out of jail. It shouldn't be like this."

Vanessa laid down as her tears fell on the pillow.


Afeni is so worried about her son. He didn't come home last night. "Where the hell is he Set?" Afeni asked her daughter.

" I don't know mama."

" If anything happens to him I'll never forgive myself. Instead of being a drug addict I should have paid more attention-" Afeni cried.

"Mama stop it" Set comfort her mother with a hug. " It's gonna be alright he'll be back"

" He's come home late but he would never come home without telling me where he is. Maybe I need to be more strict and stop letting him get out so much"

"Mom please..." Set looked her mother in the eyes. "It's gonna be alright. Let's sit down. I'll make you some tea."

"Tea is the last thing I want when I'm frustrated."

"Well liquor is definitely not gonna make it any better."

Their phone rings. Set answers it. "Hello?"

"Hello you have a collect call from Tupac Shakur at the Baltimore County Jail. This call may be monitored for security purposes. To accept call press 1", operator states.

Set sighs and presses 1.

"Tupac? OMG Tupac!"

Afeni's eyes widen at the sound Tupac's name and she stands up and walks towards Set.


"OMG What happened? Me and mama been worried sick about you! Why are you in jail?"

"For some bullshit! Kel got me in trouble."

"OMG What did he do?"

"...Long story. Look I don't have to explain can I talk to mom please."

"Uh... Yeah sure!" Set hands the phone to Afeni.

Afeni grabs the phone. "Tupac! Oh Tupac! I've been so worried about you? What's going on? Are you ok?"

"Mom I've been arrested."

"Arrested for what?"

Tupac paused for a moment.

"Tupac what was you arrested for" Afeni asked again, demanding an answer.

"For assault against a police officer" Pac said quickly.

"OMG" Afeni put her hand to her chest. "Why did you do that?"

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