Chapter 7: In Your Arms

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It's 2:30 a..m. & the party was over. All partygoers were gone. Mariah & Vanessa still there with Pac, Treach, MC Hammer. "OMG Mimi!" Vanessa exclaimed. "Neither one of us are sober enough to drive!" she laughed.
Mariah laughed too, "My mom is going to kill me!"
"Not compared to what my dad would do!" Vanessa said.
"Aye no worries" Pac said. " Me & Treach will get you both home safely"
"How bout we just spend to night here" Vanessa put her arms around Pac embracing him. "I don't wanna go home"
Pac just looked at her. "You know I wish you could baby but I don't want your parents worried."
"Yeah we should really get going V" Mariah agreed.
"Why should they worry? There's nothing wrong with me wanting to spend the night with you! Who cares what they think! I'm almost 18! I can do what I want!" Vanessa said in a serious tone.
"Vanessa..." Pac was speechless. Surprised by her outburst.
"I think I'm going to throw up" Mariah said.
"Uh oh" MC Hammer said.
Mariah puked all over the floor.
"No no no no no!" Treach yelled. "Mariah why?"
"Sorry" she said with a messy mouth of puke.
MC Hammer laughed.
"OMG Mimi are you ok?" Vanessa was concerned.
"Are you alright Mariah?" Pac said.
"I'll be alright. I'm so wasted & sleepy. I need to lay down & rest. Where's a bed when you need one huh?" She chuckled.
She stumbled but Vanessa caught her. "I don't know what to do." Vanessa said " I feel dizzy & wasted, I think I need to lay down as well."
"Vanessa let's go in the room & talk."
"Or more than talk"Vanessa said with a flirty grin as she leaned on him.
"You silly" he held her close as they walked into the other room.
Mariah laid passed out on the couch.
"Damn girl you got yo self fucked up"MC Hammer said as he shooked his head at Mariah.
Mariah snored.

Vanessa & Pac walked in the other room which was the guest room to have some privacy. Pac closed the door & set with Vanessa on the bed.
"So" Pac said.
"So" Vanessa said as she leaned back to lay down on the bed.
"I enjoyed myself" she said.
"Me too" Pac laid down close to her & began to run his fingers her hair. He laid his hand on her cheek.
They stare into each others eyes with a smile. "What makes you happy?" she asked.
"What makes me happy?"
He thought about it for a minute & then said "Music".
"Why music?"
"Cuz that's where I find peace...freedom...& power."
"Wow! That's great"
"Yeah. Music is my comfort zone. When I write my rhymes, I let what's in my heart come out. I don't hold nothing in. I also let God lead me through, it's like he sends messages to say in my rhymes to help me inspire not only myself but other people but that's a whole nother topic right there."
"That's beautiful."
" what makes you happy?" Pac asked.
Vanessa smiled. "Being loved and accepted is what makes me happy."
Pac chuckled.
"I know it's cliche...but it really matters to me."
"I guess I'm not one of those people who cares about being accepted. I am who I am & if people can't accept me oh well fuck em"
Vanessa thought about the girls who bullied her at the school she used to go to went she was living in Cali.
"It's just that I've been through a lot at my old school & it still just hurts til this day. When those girls started bullying me & making me feel inferior I had no one on my side. Everyone just laughed." A tear rolled down Vanessa's eye. "I thought I had a friend but she betrayed me & left me all alone."
Pac looked at her worried.
"No one stepped up. Everyone thought it was ok for me to be outcasted."
" Vanessa..." Pac said.
He wiped the tears away from her face. "Vanessa I'm sorry you went through that can't live in the past."
"I know...but it's so hard. It really broke my self esteem."
" Yeah but you can't let it. You gotta move on baby. Please don't let what they did steal your joy. You are a lot stronger than they are. They are weak & weak people love making other people lives miserable."
"You are strong." Pac continued. "You got the strength inside you. You got to use that strength you have inside you to move on."
Pac held her in his arms as she closed her eyes & let the tears dry while falling to sleep.
The moon glistened upon them through the window as they both felt the comfort in each other's arms.

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