Chapter 9: I Never Knew Love Like This Before

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"Wow glad you two could join us" Maya Angelou said when she saw 2pac & Vanessa walk into Poetry class a little late.
"Sorry Dr. Angelou it won't happen again" 2pac said in a funny way.
Some classmates laughed.
Dr. Angelou continued "alright class let's turn to page 123. I'm going to start the morning off with Langston Hughes poem, Let America Be America Again
She began reading the poem to the class.
As she continued, Vanessa was in deep thought. Her mind was so mesmerized over Pac. She looked over at him while he was listening to the teacher. "Pac just clogs my mind. I can't get enough of him. I am falling in love with him" She thought. "I never knew love like this before". Vanessa looked outside through the window and saw a couple sitting under the tree. She began to imagine her & Pac under that tree, kissing & feeling on each other body. It brought a smile to Vanessa's face. She continued to daydream about them together until her name was called.
"Vanessa honey why don't you give us your interpretation of the poem?" Dr. Angelou asked interrupting her thoughts.
"Oh" Vanessa said caught off guard. "Sorry um... what's the question?"
The class laughed.
"What are your thoughts about the poem?"
"Oh... Uh..." Vanessa looked down at poem. "Damn I should've paid attention" she thought. "Uh... I thought it was a great poem. Yeah a great poem haha" she said nervously.
"What made it a great poem?"
"Uh..." Vanessa looked down at the poem again. Vanessa grew silent.
Dr. Angelou said "Vanessa you got to stay focused. You gonna miss out on something important if you don't."
"Sorry Dr. Angelou."
"Ok anybody want to tell me their thoughts on the poem, what line interest them?"
2pac raised his hand.
"Yes Tupac"
"I feel that the poetry was real! The part that stuck out to me was when he said Hungry yet today despite the dream. Beaten yet today-O, Pioneers! I am the man who never got ahead, The poorest worker bartered through the years.
It's like America's dream is to be free but there is no freedom without equality."
"There's no freedom without equality. I love that statement Mr. Shakur." Dr. Angelou said. "Alright anybody else have something they would like to share pertaining to the poem."
Pac looked back at Vanessa & smiled. She smiled back & threw her hands over her face shaking her head out of embarrassment for being caught daydreaming in class.

After class ended Pac caught up with Vanessa outside the door. "Hey baby your head been in the clouds today?" He laughed.
"Yeah..." she chuckled.
2pac stomach growled.
"Looks like somebody's hungry."
"Yeah can't wait for lunch" he said."Let's head on to acting class."

"Hello class! We are going to watch a movie by Charlie Chaplin called the Gold Rush."
"Charlie Chaplin?" one of the classmates said. "Man I'm going to sleep."
"This will be apart of your grade. So keep your eyes open."
"Oh man" the classmate said
"Me on the other hand, I can deal with a classic movie. It always amuses me. I feel like I'm in a different world when I watch them" Vanessa thought.
Vanessa felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around it was Pac. "You gon pay attention this time?" he joked.
"I'll try not to daydream"she chuckled, "I don't want to miss the movie" Vanessa said.
"Tbh I think Charlie Chaplin is dope! He very talented. I dig him" Pac said.
"Really? You dig him?" Vanessa looked surprised.
"Hell yeah I love that nostalgia shit!"
"Wow you impress me."
"Why is that?"
"You're very open minded & I like that" she rubbed his chin.
"You flatter me" he blushed.
She gave him a peck on the lips & turned around to watch the movie.

After class it was time for lunch. 2pac and Vanessa set outside and had lunch together. "Thank God it's lunchtime cuz I don't think I could go another hour" Pac said with his hand on his stomach.
"Yeah I don't blame ya. I felt a little hungry too" Vanessa said.
"Yeah I started to have a little headache."
"Well...maybe you should start bringing some snacks to class."
"Snack? My fam could barely keep food in the house. Every time I turn around somebody always sneaking in the refrigerator including myself" he chuckled.
"Yeah I know what you mean. My sister hogs all the snacks before I could even get a second one."
"Yeah & on top of that we struggling financially. I mean me & my brother got a job to help out but the rent & utilities take up most of our paycheck" 2pac explained.
"Have y'all tried to get any government benefit?"
"Nah my mom refuses to rely on the government. She feels that government benefits don't do nothing but keep you trapped and keep you highly dependent."
"True" Vanessa agreed "cuz the system will fail you eventually when they start making cut backs and changing the laws and stuff."
"Yeah I'm glad you get where I'm coming from with that."
"Yeah I understand you. And if you need any help with anything," Vanessa laid her hand on top of his & looked him deeply in eyes, "I'm here for ya."
2pac smiled & rubbed her hand. "You already helping me."
"By being here... listening to me. Understanding me, not judging me. Accepting me." He leaned closer and kissed her.
"I was wondering instead of us waiting til Friday to hang out, maybe we could meet up after school today?" Pac said rubbing his lips together.
"Yeah sure! I would love that" Vanessa said kissing him again.

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