1. Separation

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A black Mercedes car zoomed out of the raizada mansion. The car runs through the heavy traffic of Delhi and stopped before a big building named 'Mishra Laws and firms' A girl in early twenties stepped out of the car,

"Mohanji, wait here till i come" she ordered her driver.

"Ji..Bhahiji" he replied smiling at his favourite sweet owner.

She walked confidently inside the building, nearing the reception, "I have appointment with Mr. Mishra, senior advocate"

"Your name mam?" the receptionist asked.

"Khushi kumari gupta singh raizada" she answered and the receptionist told her to wait for five minutes after checking her appointment in computer.

As soon as five minutes passed she strode towards Mishra cabin and entered in after knocking the door.

"Hello Mr. Mishra" khushi greeted in a perfect professional manner.

"Hello Mrs. Raizada. Take your seat" the elderly lawyer greeted her back and gestured her to take her seat.

"I want to file my divorce" khushi said without beating around the bush.

"What? But..." the elderly man shuddered hearing her request. Quickly regained himself, "But Mrs. Raizada you are newly wedded. How come you want divorce this soon? As far as i know you and Mr. Raizada are happily married and leading a happy married life" he asked as he know from his sources and circle that ASR is happily married and head over heels in love with his wife. Being one of the top reputed lawyer and friend of Mr. Roy he knows how ASR is and he is quite shocked with this divorce case.

"For your information we are married for one year, it is enough to get divorce. Other than that, there is nothing for your concern. Would you take my case or shall i go to other firm?" Khushi asked sternly.

Mr. Mishra took his glass, placed it on his desk, "Look Mrs. Raizada you are like my daughter. I advise you to solve the fight between you and your husband. Life is so small beta. We don't realise one's value when they are with us then will regret big time when we lost the precious. The thing which you find false and wrong now will look so right in future. Don't take decision in haste and anger which only gives nothing but pain. My wish is, you both just sit and talk to know where your relationship lacks and what to do to avoid it. Communication always brings best out of your relation. Miscommunication is always a problem between couples these days. Many wants their partner to be understanding without voicing their thoughts like hero, heroines in novels and films but that is quite impossible in real life. We can't expect life to be a gold spoon. Life's beauty lies in unexpected twists and turns. So please keep your mind fresh before taking life turning decisions. I told you what i usually feel. Hereafter it's your decision beta" he waited sometime after finishing his speech so that the words would sink in her mind.

Khushi looks distracted by his speech but soon composes her herself, "I don't know you're taking counselling classes here in your office" she smiled sarcastically.

The elderly man sighs at the stubborn women in front of him who was perfect for ASR in looks, arrogance and stubbornness. "If you already took the decision then who was me to change your opinion, i'll take your case"

"Ok...That's good"

"Why do you want to separate from your husband? Is he abusing you?" he asked taking pen and notepad.

"He is having affair behind my back. He has child with her" khushi said with disgust.

"That means he had affair even before your marriage" asked shocking by the fact that Mr. Raizada has child with another women before marrying this young girl who is sitting in front of him before one year. He know this is normal in this world as ASR is well known businessman and top if it his company is fashion house which has models wrapped around his one finger. May be he had his cosy time with his model resulted in living creature of his blood.

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