"I'd never date a bi"

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Ok, but like, why does everyone say bis are confused? They make the most logical sense to me

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Ok, but like, why does everyone say bis are confused? They make the most logical sense to me. 

Do people go on the internet? Do they know what bisexuality is? I mean, it is right in the heccin' word. Seriously. 

And what is up with people saying they'd never date a bi?? That doesn't make sense! Like, "I'm not going to date a bi because I can't trust them, they'll go after someone else."


It isn't even worth saying that a bi will go for someone else because a man in a straight relationship could go after another woman, and a woman in a straight relationship could go after another man. 

Are people dense?

Apparently so.

There's my rant, pardonne-moi.  

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