The Closet: staying in, or moving out?

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Lol I laughed at this one

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Lol I laughed at this one.


So right now, this chapter will be about you.

Big question: are you still in the closet?

If you said no, congratulations, and I hope everything else with coming out went well!

If you said yes, or kinda, I have a bigger question: are you comfortable where you are?

If you aren't, that is alright (I'll probably discuss that later). If you are, that is alright too. You have to be comfortable with closeted you before you move on.

The key to life is making sure you are alright before you move on to try and help others. Understand you before you try to make others understand you.

If you are ready to tell someone, then go ahead. You have this community to back you up. You are never alone when you come out. (There are so many YouTube videos about coming out!!!)

If you aren't ready to come out, that is perfectly fine. I'm not even completely out outside of this book. You aren't alone. Don't make your priority hiding your sexuality (that will put a damper on your activities) -- make your priority being you.

Don't look at it as hiding. Look at it as getting comfortable.

Let me tell you all a short tale. I know someone who figured out their sexuality when they were 20, and came out to their best friend when they were 23. That person still has not come out to their family yet. 

Another is a 19 year old who recently came out to her family after her friends at her school.

In following chapters, I will go about different ways of expressing yourself in not obvious ways. I will also go about setting up plans for coming out.

Any more questions about the curséd closet? Let me know if there is anything else along those lines that you'd like me to cover!

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