Meaningful Post - Shout out

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Hey, so stick around

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Hey, so stick around.

Shout out to all of those bi's and Pans that everyone calls confused or unsure, or straight.

Shout out to all of those lesbians and gays that are shunned in schools, or get weird looks in the locker rooms and hallways.

Shout out to the demis who are called picky.

Shout out to the aces and aros who are called straight.

Shout out to the straight people who are kind to us, and are our allies. Thank you for understanding, or at least trying to.

Shout out to those of you who are questioning, unsure, or are just confused. You fit in here.

Shout out to those gendequeer kids, or genderfluid, or whatever genders you have.

Shout out to those kids whose pronouns aren't respected.

Shout out to all of you. You belong. You are loved. Keep going, there are always people here to help you. We love you.

By the way, you are beatiful, and/or handsome. ily. Talk to me sometime. ❤❤

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