An End

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Well, all

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Well, all. Here we are. Part 200.

This was quite the journey. I got to meet so many of you, and I've talked to so many of you. The second book is already out. "Just some more queer stuff". Go check it out, if you want and if you wouldn't mind.

I loved this book, this experience, and seeing comment from every one of you. This meant so much to me, and I hope it helped you out a bit. I met so many of you, and I am glad to have met you and helped.

I'm still available to talk. Message me if you need me.

So, though it isn't really a goodbye: solong for now. Please, meet me in the next book.

Have an amazing day. Ily, all. 💙💙💙

Just Some Queer Stuff (LGBT) (IN EDITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now