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(Rant at bottom)

Happy trigender day!


So day 14

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So day 14. I've made it. Now I have to write about my feelings about being in the community. So this community is amazing. Many people don't understand it, though. I think we need more education in schools and other places about it.

This isn't a choice.

Sure, at times this community folds in, and some fights break out with "You shouldn't be here." But when it really matters, like elections, and pride month, and persecution, and things like the Pulse nightclub attack, we band together. We are strong. We are amazing. We are us. We are the LGBTQA+.


If you've stayed this long, you must be interested in my rant. Good.

So my mother makes me go to church (she doesn't know about my connection to the lgbt), and the branch of church my family goes to is going through a divide. Half of the church is okay with lgbt, and the other half hates them.

Guess which half is the church I go to.

You probably guessed it -- the part that hates the lgbt. Well, in the pastor's sermons, he always complains about 1 or more of 3 things: Jewish people, nazis, or lgbt.

He didn't do a sermon today, a group of elderly ladies did it. He still found a way to complain for 10 minutes straight about LGBT, along with people in the congregation. These people were just awful about it, and I'm so angry.

Not to mention, the elderly ladies were rapping, and they had no rythm. At all.

So that was my rant. Any input? Experience with things like this? Let me know if you do!

Just Some Queer Stuff (LGBT) (IN EDITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now