Paypal - Crash course in German

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Ok so I meant to say this earlier, but I forgot

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Ok so I meant to say this earlier, but I forgot.

If you want to go into the sciences, it is helpful to know a little German (there are a lot of German scientists, and manuals are typically in German) (my brother is a biochemist, which is why I know this).

Welcome to your German crash course lesson.

Hallo - hello

Auf Wiedersehen (owf veed-er-zane)[formal], tschüss (choo-ce)[informal] - good bye

Wie geht's? (Vee gates) - how's it going?
Gut (goot) - good
Schlect (shlekt) - bad
Nicht schlect (neekt shlekt) - not bad

Ich bin ___ (ick bin) - I am ___

Und du? (Oond dew) - and you?

Those are just some niceties to help you all out! German isn't the most common in every day, but it can be useful!

Wie geht's?

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