13 facts

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So I'll have to get the artist's name for this (if I can't find it, help me out if you know!!!)

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So I'll have to get the artist's name for this (if I can't find it, help me out if you know!!!)

Alright, all, here go 13 facts  (I was tagged by IsLiterallySatan !

Here goes nothin':

1. I'm 5' tall (152 cm). Ace, infj.

2. I have 3 siblings, and 6 cousins, making 10 of us.

3. I talk about my one little cousin a lot because I practically raised her, and she's hilarious  (and has the anxiety of a jobless, aimless 26 year old, which is sad).

4. I saw one of my friends driving today, and screamed. (Does this count?) (2nd, I have a dog named Bart)

5. I always end up having favorite characters that die.

6. In turn, I kill a ton of characters.

7. I love history, in case you didn't know that yet.

8. I play bariton, trumpet, piano, ukelele some guitar, and some violin.

9. I know a bit of German, French, Italian, Japanese, Swedish, and Russian. Probably not enough to get by in a real conversation, but a little.

10. I've only finished one novel... one out of over 100.

11. I'm a total dog person. I love dogs so much.

12. I hate birds and butterflies. Don't ask me why, I don't know.

13. I'm partially blind in my left eye, giving me little to no depth perception.

So if you want to do that, you can. I'm only requiring one person to do it. KeeksBeHere .

You can all do it too, if you want. If you do, let me know so I can take a look!!

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