Ace joke.

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^^ @ all the aces reading this, you are great

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^^ @ all the aces reading this, you are great.

So I wasn't supposed to be placed with kids at that church thing I'm working -- I'm just music and mass crowd control... But they put me with a group today. I was like "alright, whatever"... But that was before I got to the group. There was this little kid who would BOLT away whenever no one was watching him, and he was 4. He was misbehaving the entire 3 hours (but the older woman in charge of the group was so sassy, so that made it less terrible).

I tried to relate to him, I'm genuinely good with kids... But this one was quite the pain in the arse.

When I started drawing, he magically started listening to me in the slightest bit, though. Not a lot. But it was slight.

I'm d o n e, though. Got like 4 hours of sleep, too.

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