Pressure in Relationships

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This will be written for more serious relationships

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This will be written for more serious relationships.

Pressures are linked to boundaries and comfort zones.

If you are in a serious relationship, it is very important to state boundaries with your significant other. Don't like holding hands? Don't want kissing? That is totally alright. Tell your significant other that, and both of you state your boundaries.

Now, occasionally someone tries to pressure you to go beyond your comfort zone. Sometimes it is your significant other, and sometimes it is a total outsider.

If it is someone like a friend or a parent, simply ignore them (unless it is genuinely for the better. For instance, if it is about having a date for parents to meet both partners of the relationship, that's fine. If they are forcing you to proceed too quickly, ignore them.).

If it is from your partner, I will admit, that is more difficult. Step one is to tell them no. As we all know, though, that doesn't always work. Next would be to sit down and restate boundaries with that person. Discuss where you are in the relationship, and where they are.

It is important that both of you are aware of each other's boundaries at all times. Don't be afraid to tell your partner that they are going too far, or that you aren't ready for something.

If they pressure you repeatedly, then maybe that isn't the relationship to be in. I know it stinks to hear that, but reconsider your relationship, and projection for your life. If that person is obscuring your mental health, or obscuring your future goals, it is time to start seriously rethinking your relationship.

Cliche tip: communication is key.


(I finally got this part out, everyone!)

If you have more precise questions on this subject, let me know in the comments, or message me.

Any tips you've come across or seen on this subject?

Anything else you'd like advice on in this format? Anything I didn't get to that you have commented before? Let me know here!


Time for random questions for you all again:

Do you like hats?

What kinds of things are you allergic to, if any?

Thoughts on children?

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