Catch me going home regardless (also, story time)

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^^ I'd go home anyway, b y e

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^^ I'd go home anyway, b y e.

So, I was reminded to tell a story before this book was over.

The Denmark story. [Possible trigger warning?? Heavy stuff ahead, skip to end questions, if you need to, or can't read the story]

The people that know me in real life already know this (All 3 reading this, lmao).

So, back in 2014 (that was longer than I thought), I made friends with this one person (who will remain completely anonymous other than the name Denmark). Back then, all of us had assigned ourselves countries to be (inside thing, fun while it lasted, lmao). I was Canada. This person was Denmark.

Ah geez.

So a few months went by (3). It was kinda bad. We texted like all the time. We got close in August, and it started down hill by the end of September. I mean, I got blamed for everything.

If they were doing poorly in the classes, though i offered help, it was somehow my fault. They were alone at home? My fault. Anything. This all started wearing on me to the point that I legitimately believed it all.

I hit a low because I was convinced by all of that stuff that all I did in life was cause people problems. I was actually alone, no friends yet (except for my joking buddies). I won't go into more depth with all of that.

Flash toward to around the 23rd of November (before thanksgiving, for those in America). I got physically I'll because of the texts I was receiving. My older siblings returned from college, and picked me up. I let my older sister read the texts (in which i was blamed for the decline in comversation).

She was fuming, and sent a kindly worded text telling "Denmark" to never text back again, or she will have to take matters into her hands.

I haven't received a text from them since.

The reason I was going to tell this for the longest time was to show an example of what NOT to let yourself get into. If this happens to you, BOOK IT OUT OF THERE. Please, for your health and safety.

I held off telling this for the longest time because of fear, and sadness, and anxiety, and all of that (this still kinda gives me distress)... but, I felt it serves better told for the sake of you all. Don't let this happen. Ily, all 💙💙.


Do you have a story that serves better told?

Do you have a friend you can go to? What is their first name?

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