Coming out: Make a Plan

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Before I give you tips on a procedure, I want to say that you don't need to feel pressured to come out

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Before I give you tips on a procedure, I want to say that you don't need to feel pressured to come out. Only do it when you are ready.

It is always safe, when coming out, to make a plan. Whether you do a fun joke-like coming out, or a serious one, you have to plan for different outcomes. 

I especially recommend this for those of you who know people won't react well.

If you aren't out to friends, and don't know how to, let me know here if you want a chapter about that. This will mainly be family. Specifically parents and guardians.

If you know your family will react well, you have some wiggle room. I would suggest, if you would want to do a happy-joking-prank coming out or something funny, do so in this situation.

If you would prefer a more serious way, set a time. Tell your parent or guardian that at 7:00 on Saturday you want to talk with them or at 3:04 am over soup you need to tell them something important. Stick with the plan, then. Don't change the time. Don't worry yourself too much either.

This is for the more undesired case scenario -- this is for if you don't know how your parent or guardian will react. Before you do this, come out to a close friend or another family member (a grandparent, cousin, or sibling who doesn't live with you).

Plan what day and what time you are going to come out. Have the person you already told made aware of the date and time. That person will be where you will go if your parents kick you out on the spot (Don't forget to have a back pack packed). If you have no one to go to, research the shelters in your community, or around it (homeless, women in crisis, red cross, etc.).

Follow the schedule you have planned, and keep calm. You can totally do it. You have already taken your first steps here, and with friends. These next steps and these next year's will be for you to be you.

After you have come out, it is out there. You know, they know.

This isn't to scare you, or deter you if you are ready to come out. This is to cover the possibilities.

Your parent or guardian may not even mind! I hope they love you for who you are.

If you need help planning, feel free to message me -- my inbox is always open to you all!

If you want more tips on this, let me know exactly what you are looking for in the comments!

Is there anything else LGBT related or life related (even relationship related) that you would like me to cover in this format?

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