Truly Inspiring

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This pic is goals.

Anyway, day 5 for the LGBT challenge (describe partner or perfect partner).

Wow. Well, I don't have a partner, and I've never had one. Never had a crush (how do crushes feel, btw?).

Anyway, so I guess I have to write about a dream person. I just want someone who won't expect... ya know (in the terms of Sims: woo-hoo) from me. I want someone who will care about me, and listen to what I have to say. I also want to be able to make jokes, references, and have banter. Also: guy, girl, neither, both, I could care less. 
Am I asking too much?

Anyway, I'm posting this so late because I'll have zero time tomorrow, so happy Gray-Ace day in advance!!!

Just Some Queer Stuff (LGBT) (IN EDITING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now