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It Should Have Been Me.

All my life I have lived in someone's shadow. Always been there but not the main guy. My brother was the eldest so everyone looked up to him. He treated the other guys more like a brother than he did me, his own flesh and blood.

My mom loved him like only he existed. He was her first born and she definitely favoured him over me. Why wouldn't she? He brought home the bread. He was the money maker. All I brought was trouble. Terrence the Terror. That's what I was. If it wasn't beef then it was police. If it wasn't police, then it was these crazy ass females. And guess who always came and saved the day? My good old brother West.

'Til this day I never understood how he could allow Tyrone to be the one who took us all up. It should have been me. I was his brother!
He taught us everything we knew. Who to do business with and who to keep well away from and how to run an organisation.
I know it was Tyrone's family that ran Atlanta, but I'm sure if West stepped in he could have taken over then me and him would have run things. But just like everyone else he betrayed me.

My mom betrayed me because all these years she made me believe West's father was mine and he wasn't. Mine is some nobody she went off with when her and West's pops was on a break. She got back with him not long after and it looked like he was my Pops but he wasn't. I should have known really but I guess I didn't want to believe it.

Then there's my bro West. He thinks I don't know what he's done but oh I do. We will cross paths again and when we do I'll make sure he's aware of his actions.

Then there's Tyrone, he took everything. Everything I should have had he has taken. The thing is I intend on getting it all back. From the money, to the drugs, to the business, even down to his Wife. Yup that's right.

Next betrayal is Tamarah. We were neighbours. I always liked her. I was the one who told her to hang out with me and the crew back then. Tyrone was part of it and from the day they met, I saw the way they looked at each other but they always said they were just homies. Then on her sixteenth birthday, he bought her a present and claimed her as his woman. She knew I liked her and he knew I liked her but that didn't stop him and she just accepted what he said.

I never thought they would last, I was always the one telling girls to go and flirt with him but he never fell for it. I even started going out with one of the girls in the crew, Lisa. I thought that would make me feel somewhat better. It did until the bitch Tamarah fell pregnant which just pissed me off even more.

She was carrying his seed and there was nothing I could do. Then they had another child and got married. That's when I knew for sure there was nothing I could do. I stayed with Lisa but fucked about on her. Several times we had fights due to it. I guess she had enough the day she slept with someone else. She doesn't know that I know. But I do. At the time I let it slide because I had done it far more times than her but now, knowing what I know, I shouldn't have let her off.

We have four kids none of which I have seen due to the fact EVERY TIME she gave birth she palmed them off to my mom. 

It all makes sense now. At this time in life my mom had disowned me. I had accidentally set the house on fire. Bitch burnt to the ground with all my momma possessions. Knight in shining armour West got her another house of course. Momma said I would put her in an early grave and before that happens she would rather not see me at all.

Now she's dead, I couldn't give a fuck. She stopped being my mom years ago. As for the rest of them the revenge I have saved up for them they won't even see it coming. 

Lisa and I decided to disappear off the face of the earth when one cop caught us with enough drugs and money to put us away for life. Turns out the cop was a dirty cop and was someone who had a score to settle with all of us from back in the day. I been playing along with his game but as of today he's about to meet his maker. He reckons I can't kill him because he has information locked away that can put me behind bars for a long time but I prefer that than to be his bitch. I just need him to bring me the evidence needed to plant on Tyrone, then I'll be able to get rid of him. I smiled to myself as I thought of how I will take over the organisation by killing them all off one by one.

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