Chapter Two:

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 Sitting in the room Dawn looked around at all the things she had built and sighed, years of toil to forget the haunting feeling of guilt. Sienna returned and poured two glasses of red wine then went and sat down near the fire still looking around the room in awe. "This is amazing, the white amour and helm is that from the battle of..." She stopped seeing her aunt staring at the armour that stood on the left hand of the hearth with a far away look. "yes, it's mine from battles long ago fought, and the other is yours" she sipped her wine. "what will happen if Azog finds out about us" Sienna asked and Dawn put her glass down on the table and ran her hand through her hair pulling the braid around and untying it and running her fingers through it. " he'll try to kill us, or take us prisoner and keep us to do his dirty work through torture. He cannot find us Sienna or we're in trouble, but alas if he kills Thorin then well...." she stopped and sighed.  " Can Thorin kill him, does he have the strength to do it" she asked as she watched her aunt. " Don't know, come it's late and tomorrow we have a lot to do" and with that both left the room to retire back in the main house. Sienna sat on her bed looking around the room feeling small. Then shaking her head leaned back on the blankets and closed her eye's falling into a deep sleep. Dawn lay in bed with her head pillowed on her arms staring at the ceiling wondering what was going to happen next. The day arrived and she woke and went about her normal routine with Sienna till about mid afternoon. The days were getting warmer as spring progressed and Dawn was chopping wood for cooking sweat running down her face. Sienna had her bow out and was practicing shooting targets from Sleipnirs back when she felt a chill run down her spine. Putting the ax down she took a deep breath when suddenly a pain sired through her head making her gasp. Quickly she closed her eye's and found herself standing in a burning wood on the edge of a cliff face. Looking around at hearing yelling she froze, Thorin lay in the jaws of Azogs warg with the pale orc laughing. Screaming in pain he brought his sword down on the wargs muzzle and it flung him into the air to come crashing down on a rock outcrop with a cry. He lay stunned, as Azog commanded his warrior to bring him his head. Calling forth her power Dawn ran crackling with light and reached the outcrop before the small orc could. Leaping up she stood over Thorin's motionless body quickly taking note of where Fili and Kili were. "Witch" Azog hollered pointing at her. with a outstretched hand. "You'll never have the line of Durin, Azog, not ever" she yelled and he laughed. "I'll have it, and now that I know you live I will kill you too" he growled narrowing his eye's at her. She felt her heart sink, but held up her hands with light blazing from her fingers, " Not yet, you'll have to find us first" and with that she flung her hand towards Fili and Kili and they both vanished and he bristled. "Go" she heard Gandalf yell and with another flash she vanished with Thorin as well ,as Azog was left yelling in defeat. Dawn opened her eye's to find herself back in her yard with the horses screaming and her still standing over Thorins body in the dirt. Gasping she stepped beside him falling to the ground on her hands and knee's. The pain in her head flashed and she almost passed out but fought to keep awake. Yelling brought her back and lifting her head she peered to see Sienna with her bow at full draw from Sleipnirs back. "Drop it" she yelled and Dawn turned to see Fili with his sword drawn and Kili with his bow up and arrow aimed at her. Looking beside her at Thorin his face was turned white and  cut and she couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. "Thorin" she whispered as her voice was almost gone. Crawling over to him she put her head to his chest feeling the coldness of his armour on her face. He wasn't breathing and she shook him "Common Thorin breathe" she sobbed at his pale face. "Breathe " she cried and tilted his head back and took a breath and kissed him feeling his cold lips on hers she felt his chest rise as she blew air into his lungs. After a few times he choked and started to breathe but didn't awaken. Sitting back her head pounding with dirt all over her she looked around to find Fili  with a stricken look on his face as he knelt on the other side of Thorin. "Will he live" he asked looking over at her. "Yes we have to get him back to the house, I can't carry him you and Kili will have too" she whispered as she staggered to her feet trying not to fall. Sienna grabbed her with concern in her brown eye's. Kili and Fili gently picked Thorin up and carried him into the house. "Sienna show then one of the rooms off the armoury I have to get my herbs" and they followed Sienna down the stone passage as Dawn went into the kitchen to retrieve her herbal kit and bandages. The pain in her head made it almost impossible, and the weakness was spreading through her body she'd have to rest soon. Walking carefully down the hall she found that the boys had stripped Thorin of his armour and coat and boots. He lay on the bed his face pale and bruises spreading across one cheek. Getting to the bed side  she could tell his left arm was dislocated and lifting up his shirt his chest was black from where the warg had held him. Feeling both his sides she looked at Fili and Kili who stood back watching. "he's got broken ribs and his arm is dislocated and a nasty bump on his head, I'll set his ribs and do what I can" they nodded and she bound his ribs pulling his shirt back down when it was done. Taking a deep breath Dawn rubbed both hands together and spread them over his shoulder and with the last of her strength she popped his shoulder back in. She stood back looked at Sienna and passed out. Fili who was standing behind Dawn caught her as her head rolled back on his shoulder. "Dawn" Sienna cried and rushed over to Fili and felt her aunts head, as Fili swung her up into his arms like she was nothing. "Is there another place to lay her down" he asked and Sienna lead him to another room. Fili  set Dawn down on the other bed and stood back as Sienna checked her aunt. "What happened and who are you and where are we" he asked as Sienna covered her aunt up and turned to face him. "I'll answer your questions as best I can but I'm not even sure what happened or why. I have to wrap your uncles arm and then we can talk." she turned to see Kili in the door way blocking the way. "We need to know now, who are you" he demanded as Sienna walked towards him and she stood looking up into his face. "Wait your taller then me, how is that possible" she asked staring at the Dwarf. " Taller" he replied looking over at Fili who shrugged "Stop changing the question. Who are you and where are we" he had his body blocking the way. Sienna could feel her blood boiling after all her aunt had done for them, and shoved her way past him back over across the hall to where Thorin lay. She tended to Thorin and then covered him up before turning back to Kili who was leaning on the wall by the door and glared. "my name is Sienna and the woman who saved you and your uncle is my aunt Dawn" she spoke as she walked past them into the hall and down into the kitchen with both dwarfs following her. "your gear is still out in the yard, darkness will be upon us soon" Sienna mumbled going out onto the porch and across the yard to where the packs had fallen earlier. "We'll get them" Kili replied picking up his as Fili got his own and Thorins along with their swords and bow. "Your uncle will be OK" she spoke as both dwarfs turned to face her pausing.
"How is it that we came to be here Sienna" Fili asked as he walked over to her. His face was drawn and tired and Kili looked tired as well as she looked at them. "I'm not sure, one minute my aunt is chopping wood and then she was gone. Then you appeared and she appeared again shortly after with your uncle. But you can relax, no one knows where you are for now." as she looked around at the quiet forest and mountains. They all walked back into the house and the dwarfs put the gear against the wall in the kitchen. "sit you must be exhausted and hungry" Sienna went into the pantry and brought out a plate of bread and cheese. "Do you have any ale" Kili asked and she brought three mugs to the table and then went back into the pantry and returned with a pitcher and poured the mugs full before sitting down herself and breaking off a chunk of bread to eat. Kili sat and quietly drinking his ale while Fili sat looking around the room. " So Sienna, where are we" she chewed and took a sip of her ale. "Not sure, in the Pelori mountains range in Aman I think" and both Dwarfs stared at her. "Fili how is that possible, for a woman to send us across to the undying lands" his voice held Awe and concern as he put his mug down and stared at Sienna intensely. "Your aunt must be a Witch" Kili demanded his eye's staring at her. "We are not, we are the last of our people. We escaped the downfall of Numenor and took refudge in this age, my parents were killed and my aunt took me and fled to protect what was left" she replied looking down into the mug of ale. Fili sat leaning back in his chair rubbing his chin in thought "Your kin, is old then if you are the last" looking up at him Sienna sighed and nodded. "Unnur's" she whispered and Fili  coughed leaning forward onto the table to keep from choking on his ale. "Did you say Unnur" he asked and he glared at Kili who shrugged in confusion. Sienna got up from the table and took her mug over to the kitchen sink and placed in it before turning to lean on the counter looking at the dwarfs. "Yes, we are the last of Unnurs line" Fili rubbed his forehead with his rough hand before sighing. "What is Unnurs line" kili asked feeling left out of something important that had transpired between Sienna and his brother. "The great shield maidens of Unnur, did you not listen to any of the stories Balin used to tell us" Fili shook his head at his brother. Kili shrugged and smiled sheepishly which made Sienna giggle. Kili looked over at her and smiled before glancing at Fili who was shaking his head while finishing his ale and the last piece of bread. Outside darkness had fallen and sienna went around lighting the lanterns. "We should check on Thorin and my aunt, I don't want to leave Thorin alone in case something happens' Kili stood up and took his coat off and hung it on the back of the chair. His teal blue tunic fell to his knees's and he had a thick belt at his waist, and his dark hair fell around his shoulders. "I'll check on your aunt if you stay with Thorin" Sienna nodded and Kili followed her out of the room. Putting his mug in the sink Fili grabbed his pack and went down to the room where Sienna's aunt lay. Taking his own coat off he sat down in a corner chair and pulled his pipe out of his pack and lit it in the candle light of the stone room. Hours passed when he heard a groan and looked to see Dawn's eye's flutter open and her hand go to her head. "Oh my head' she muttered as she looked around to see Fili watching her from the corner chair. Feeling weak Dawn slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed and rubbed her temples as they ached. "How is it that I come to have you Fili watching over me" he lowered his pipe and looked thoughtfully at her. "it is I who should ask how a Shield maiden of Unnur has plucked me by brother and uncle out of Azogs grasp" Dawn chuckled and looked at him with renewed respect. "Ah, Sienna has told you some of it has she" and Dawn went to get up but almost fell till strong arms grabbed her placing her back on the edge of the bed. She looked up into Fili's blue eye's as he stood in front of her with a frown on his face. "Your not well enough, it must have taken a lot of your strength to pull us all through to Amen and then to taken care of Thorin the way you did" he spoke standing just in front of her with hands across his chest. His blond hair and beard braided reminded her that he was  of Durin's lineage and it showed. "Ahh I need Fili nephew of Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror king under the mountain to remind me of who I am" she whispered and he stood up a little taller. "I know who we are, but not why we're here so far from our company" he backed off and went back to sit down as Dawn sighed from where she sat on the bed. "Gandalf has rescued the rest of your companions. When Thorin is well again, I will return you as close to Erebor as I can get you, in time for Durins day" Fili puffed on his pipe looking at her. " Your aware that Thorin is not himself as of late, his desire for the arkenstone is messing with his ability to make good judgments. Balin tried to tell him that our people where good in the blue mountains, but alas Thorin wants to reclaim Erebor"  she could hear Fili's concern and was amazed at his grasp of the situation. "Azog has a bounty on his head and wants the line of Durin Dead, it is not just Smaug you have to deal with" and Dawn slowly got to her feet and Fili considered her words. "So can you help" he asked and she bit her lip before turning to face the door. "I'm not sure Fili" Dawn replied before slowly walking out of the room. She walked across the hall to the room Thorin was in and Kili stood as she entered, "Don't get up, rest " and he sat back down watching her. She went to Thorins bedside he lay his face bruised and slightly swollen, and sweat beading on his forehead. She placed her hand on his head and felt the warmness of fever. Pulling the blanket back his shirt was soaked with sweat, lifting his shirt his ribs were black and she chewed her lip.  "It looks bad" she heard Sienna mumble from across the bed where she stood looking. "It could be worse, the wargs teeth could have punctured his lungs. He's coming down with a fever, I'll have to do something about it, or it will prolong his recovery" Kili sat up at her words. She gently removed Thorins wet shirt and Sienna got a dry towel and Dawn dried him and put new bandages around his chest. "Now for the Fever" she placed her hands again on Thorins head when they were taken and lifted off. Looking up Fili had her hands "No, your not strong enough is there not another way" he asked and looked at Sienna. "Let me try, I can do it" Sienna asked and then put her own hands on Thorins damp forehead and closed her eye's concentrating. Sienna felt her hands warm and then she opened her eyes, his colour was better and he breathed easier. She looked at Dawn who nodded with pride, "Well done Sienna he'll be much better now" and she pulled a clean sheet over Thorin and heaved a sigh. Fili and Kili get some sleep, there are two rooms you each can have. I'll stay here with Thorin" Dawn  turned and walked slowly over to a chair and pulled it close to the bedside. The Dwarfs looked at each other and retired to the rooms. Sienna still stood gazing at Thorin before turning to her aunt, and waiting till she heard the room doors close. "His heart is going dark, I can feel the sickness upon his mind Aunt, it will drive him mad if something isn't done" Dawn sighed and sat down still feeling the weariness that held her. " I suspected as much, maybe with time I can counter it with hope before he returns to Erebor. But for now he'll suffer enough being here wounded, and having to slow down" Sienna nodded turning and walked out the door. Rubbing her forehead as the headache was still behind her eye's. How was she and Sienna going to deal with three Dwarfs for the next few weeks. Thorin is not going to be happy to be here, and she was going to need all her patience. Dawn must have dozed off when a moaning woke her, Thorin was stirring and she got up and went to his side. Putting a hand on his forehead it felt dry and only slightly warm but his eye's fluttered open and tried to focus. "lay still Thorin, you've been wounded" he looked at her blinking as she lifted her hand away and picked up the glass of water by the bedside. "Here" she reached over and lifted his head slightly and pressed the glass to his lips. He drank slowly and leaned back down on the pillow. "where am I" his voice was deep and thick as he took in the room around him. His grey eye's coming to rest on her face, with a frown "I know you, you..." he paused and groaned as he shifted his face going pale. "Thorin you must lie still, you have broken ribs and are very bruised' she put her hand on his uninjured shoulder. He looked at her "How do I know you, Kili Fili the others' and he groaned again from moving . " There all fine Thorin, Fili and Kili are here and the others are with Gandalf. Now stop moving" she told him and he took a deep breath and closed his eye's. "how long have I been here" he asked opening his eyes to gaze at her. "Two days maybe" he frowned and shifted trying not to groan. "could I have some more water Please" he asked and Dawn once again brought the glass to his lips and he drained the rest of the water before laying his head back and closing his eye's.  "You walk in starlight" he whispered before falling back into sleep. Dawn took a deep breath and stood back with her arms across her chest in thought. "Hey" she looked over and Sienna stood in the doorway. "He going to be alright" she nodded to Thorin and Dawn nodded and walked over to her and out into the hallway. "He woke briefly, but that's not what worries me" Sienna followed her aunt into the kitchen where she had been cooking a stew over the fire. "smells good Sienna" as her aunt went to the pantry and came out with a mug of ale. "What are you worried about Dawn" Sienna asked as he went and stirred the stew. Dawn sat down at the table and took a long swig of the ale. " Azog knows we are alive, he'll be looking for us now along with his master. We are going to have to watch our every move" Sienna sat down and chewed her nails. "How far will he go" Dawn sighed, "We're in trouble" and she rubbed her face. "I guess that means that we're going to have to train and get the armour back into shape, at least we have three dwarfs who we can practice with" she tried to smile and Dawn shook her head. "Two maybe, the third is out of it for awhile. How's are our  stores looking anyway didn't plan on having company to feed" Sienna frowned. "Not good, a hunting trip would do us good, and we can gather some, but a trip into town is a must" Dawn drummed her fingers on the table in thought. " That is at least a days ride one way, and then we have to worry about what is waiting for us out there " Sienna got up and took the stew off the fire. "We don't have a choice, lets delay it as long as we can" she went and got bowls and poured some stew in before sitting back down and sliding  a bowl across the table to Dawn. "Eat, you need to get your strength back" and Dawn smiled before eating. "Kili and Fili know about who we are" Sienna asked while looking over her bowl at her aunt. "it's ok Sienna, we have other things to worry about" and she got up and washed her bowl before stretching where she stood. Reaching up she took her hair and undid the braid. "I'm going to the bath house to clean up and change, check on Thorin in bit" Sienna nodded as Dawn went outside onto the porch. Taking a deep breath of the early evening air, Dawn gazed down the slope to the meadow and then to the forest edge. All seemed quiet and in order but she knew that things could be deceiving. Stepping off the porch she walked around to the left side of the house and up the worn dirt path into the forest edge behind the house. When first settling here, Dawn had found a natural rock outcrop to build the house against and just up on a little plateau was a natural hot spring bubbling up through the rock into a pool. Dawn had built a bath house over it and it was now standing in front of the wooden door. Turning around she stretched looking down the path she had just walked up. The sun was going down and she grabbed the lantern outside the door and the matches and lit it. Opening the bath house door steam poured out engulfing her for a minute, it smelled of sulfur and minerals.  Stepping inside she hung the lantern of the cast iron hook and crossed the wooden floor and lit the candles on the sconces on the wall lighting up the room. Against the far wall stood a shelving unit with towels and clean clothing and a woven hamper. A bench ran the length of the room and Dawn sat down feeling the heat. Running a hand over her face she peered at the pool of water  and leaned against the wall feeling overwhelmed. " I must be crazy" she muttered to the room trying to fend off the feelings she had suddenly felt towards Thorin.  He was handsome for a dwarf and she was drawn to him in ways she never thought she'd feel. Bending down she removed her boots and took off her soiled clothing feeling the steam against her skin. Walking to the carved stone steps leading down into the water she stepped lightly into the water. The heat ran up her legs as she immersed herself to her shoulders in the hot water. Sighing as the water relaxed her aching muscles she crossed the pool to sit on the stone bench the water lapping at her chin. She sat with her eye's closed for awhile before a knock sounded at the door and she bolted upright reaching over the wooden floor to where she always kept a dagger hidden under a floor mat. Griping it in her hand she pondered for a second to answer or not when a voice called through the door. "Dawn you in there" it was Fili's voice and she relaxed. "Come in Fili " she replied still with her dagger in her hand. The door opened and she could see the dwarfs silhouette as he stood in the open doorway. "You've been gone for awhile and I got worried" he replied as he slowly walked inside and shut the door behind him. "I can take of myself Fili" she replied feeling a bit annoyed and slipping the dagger back under the mat. He crossed to the bench taking his coat off in the heat and setting it down on the bench before sitting down and peering at her in the water. " I'm sure you can, but we need you to help Thorin and I wanted to talk to you alone" she tilted her head at his words and reached back pulling her hair around to untie the braid so she could wash her hair. "Ask" and he gazed at the floor before lifting his head to gaze at her again his face a mask. " We are in the undying lands, which to us is only a legend talked about by the elves. How it is that you..." his voice trailed off and she smiled slightly. "Ah my young dwarf prince as that is what you are. Why not the Elven lands, it is the last place evil would look for us till now as I'm afraid that in due time it will be figured out" she crossed the pool to where a jar stood and took it pouring the liquid into her hands and rubbing it into her wet hair. " what do you mean till now" with her back to him she scrubbed the grim out of her hair. " Azog is a great commander, but alas he answers to someone else a darker evil that has haunted the lands of middle earth. When I took you and your brother and Thorin it leaves a resonance. It will only be a matter of time before Azogs master senses it and finds this place"  she turned back and rinsed the soap from her hair and Fili sat in concentration at her words. " So your safety is at risk, by saving us you knew it would put you and Sienna in danger" she crossed the pool and leaned on the edge of the wooden floor looking across at where he sat. " What was I to do Fili, I cannot let the line of Durin fall. Thorin has saved your people where they are in the Blue mountains. He is driven to reclaim the lands of Durin and Erebor which is his destiny, my people are gone Sienna and I are it. Your people have a chance and Thorin must rule and keep darkness from the lands around Erebor." he rubbed his hands through his beard peering at her with his blue eye's and she smiled at him. "You and Kili are in line for the throne of Durin after Thorin, it is important for you to be able to do that" He leaned back looking at Dawn where she leaned against the floor at the edge of the pool. "We must rid Erebor of Smaug first, and retrieve the arkenstone, Thorin is  determined and stubborn" he mumbled. Dawn felt his  words deeply and with great concern as there was something very wrong with the arkenstone. It had caused much harm and the darkness creeping into Thorins mind was eventually going to drive him mad, if something wasn't done to protect him from the arkenstones evil. " Avert your eye's, I'm getting out" and Fili smiled and turned around with his back to her. Dawn exited the pool and grabbed her towel wrapping it around her but not before Fili glanced at her and saw the scars running criss crossing the length of her back. She padded across the floor and sat down next to him. " You are here for a time till Thorin heals, rest and prepare for the oncoming battle with smaug" Looking over at her, her green eye's were bright and he could see that she was a force to be reckoned with, he chuckled where he sat and Dawn tilted her head curiously. "What " and he laughed at her, " Thorin is about to meet his match in you I'm afraid " and she started to laugh with him at the thought. "Go back to the house Fili I'll be there shortly" he got up and stood in front of her " The scars on your back" and she let the smile fade from her lips. " Not now Fili, I'll be down shortly after I dress" and he picked up his coat and went to the door. "I didn't mean to offend" and she nodded. " non taken, go now" and he left shutting the door behind him. Dawn sat thinking on how much Fili was like Thorin but not. He was determined and to the point and not afraid to ask questions but she could feel a bit of recklessness in him. Getting dressed in the pale grey shift dress that fell to her ankles and putting the thick leather belt around her waist Dawn slid the dagger into the belt before slipping her feet into the soft cotton slippers and paused at the door. This was not going to be a easy task by any chance. Opening the door she stepped out into moonlight filtering down through the forest tree's. Tipping her head to gaze at the full moon she could feel it's beauty and started down the path to the house. Walking around the house she found Kili and Fili lounging on the porch and Sienna sat in a chair sipping her tea. " Kili and Fili, your welcome to use the bath house and wash up. Leave your clothing in the hamper and we'll clean your gear tomorrow so everything is clean " both dwarfs nodded where they stood smoking their pipes. Dawn crossed the porch and sat down next to Sienna. "Thorin is still asleep when I checked him, his fever is gone and I put a pain block on him so he'd rest easier" Dawn stared at her in awe. "When did you learn to pain block" she asked and Sienna smiled. " It just came to me and so I tried it, he relaxed even more and fell into a deeper sleep" she smiled at her. "We'll go and wash up if you don't mind, the thought of a hot bath sounds good" Fili spoke and put out his pipe. " Yeah, it'll be nice to get clean" Kili  agreed and followed Fili in to grab clean cloths. Taking a deep breath of evening air Dawn gazed over to the corral and saw the outline of the horses resting together. " Fili insisted he check on you, I tried to stop him" Sienna looked at her aunt where she sat. " that's ok Sienna, he means well and he had a few questions that needed to be answered" just then Kili and Fili came out of the house with their gear and headed up to the bath house talking softly to one and other. " what happens now " Sienna asked and sniffed the air trying to relax. " Our peaceful lives are going to change Sienna, we are now to be on guard all the time. Do not leave the house unarmed, and use all your senses as it is only a matter of time before something happens" Dawn spoke quietly and then got up. "I'll check on Thorin again, stay and wait for the dwarfs to come back and listen and watch" Sienna could hear the warning in her aunts voice and gazed around nodding. Going inside Dawn went and made a tea before heading down to Thorin's room her feet padding softly on the floor. She entered and found him awake and he looked up at her. "How you feeling" she asked as his pale grey eye's took her in as she crossed the room. His right side of his face was bruised and he shifted wincing and he reached over and grabbed his arm where it rested in a sling across his chest. " Sore, how bad am I wounded" his gruff voice asked as she set her tea down and gazed at him. " Your arm was dislocated and you've got two broken ribs on each side from where the warg had you" he looked down and then back at her. "you want to sit up a bit" she asked him and he nodded and Dawn went over and carefully helped him sit up and piled pillows behind his shoulders. He leaned back with a groan and his face was pale from the small exertion. "I'll be right back" and she left the room going into the kitchen and getting him a mug of broth and returning to him.  "here " she brought him the mug and he took it in his good hand, he touched her and she felt a jolt go through her. He stared at her as their hands touched and then he drew the mug away and sipped at it and she turned to sit down in the chair by his bed side feeling unsure of herself. He lowered the mug and looked around the room, "How long have I been here" he brought his eye's back to her. " A few days, you came down with a fever and we were concerned but we got it under control" he nodded and carefully set the mug down on the table to his right and took a deep breath. " You seem familiar to me, but I cannot place you" she smiled at the memory of the night she touched his face on the bluff after talking to Gandalf. " No you don't know me Thorin, my name is Dawn and my niece who lives with me is Sienna" he frowned and stared at her like he had just remembered something. "How do I come to be here, the last I remember was being in Azog's wargs jaws , the others do they live and are safe." he suddenly demanded in memory. " The others live and Kili and Fili are here with you" he narrowed his eye's at her. " Is this Gandalf's doing, how did we get away from Azog" Dawn sipped her tea as he stared at her. " No it's not all Gandalf's doing Thorin, I snatched you and your nephews away from Azog before he killed you and brought you here to recover" she replied and he took a deep breath. "and where is here" he asked suspiciously and Dawn took a deep breath. " Your in the Pelori mountains of Aman in my home" his face went blank for a few seconds and then he went to sit up but fell back with a groan. " How" he stared at her " Are you a Witch" and it was Dawn's turn to groan. "No Thorin I'm not a witch, I'm a shield maiden of Unnur, the last of my people" and his eyes got wide at her words. "Unnur" his voice held awe as he stared at her then closed his eye's and shook his head. Dawn reached up and chewed her nails, wondering how he was absorbing her words. " Unnurs line was destroyed in the second age during the war of the Numenor" he spoke with eye's closed. " No, it wasn't, I escaped with my niece to the undying lands in this age. We have lived here in peace, till I was summoned to protect you from Azog so you could take the throne in Erebor when your quest is finished" he opened his eye's and heaved a sigh. Just then Fili and Kili walked into the room and stood staring "Thorin your awake" Fili spoke and Thorin gazed at him and smiled. Both Dwarfs had wet hair and clean clothing on and their eye's were bright as they walked into the room and Dawn stood. "It's late, I'm retiring for the night, Kili and Fili don't tire him out too much. I'm sure you have a lot to catch up on" she smiled faintly and left the room to both young dwarfs talking at the same time to Thorin.

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