Chapter Thirteen:

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  It took almost three days for Dawn and Sienna to dodge the main road and find them on the Eastern edge of the homestead land. Looking out from where they had hidden themselves in a clump of raspberry cane, they looked across the meadow to where the house sat in the early morning light.

    Dawn could feel the sticks digging into her arms where she rested and the smell of dirt and leaves in her nose. Sienna had her bow out and was squatting a short distance to her left by a tree where she blended in more.

  Nothing seemed out of order, but still Dawn didn’t want to rush down and then be ambushed. A black bird chirped and she glanced over to see Sienna pointing with her hand down to the right of the meadow.

    Squinting in the light Dawn could make out the form of something moving in the grass, and then a deer poked its head up and looked around before going back to eating. Relaxing Dawn slowly sat up not making to fast of a movement and listened for awhile, before feeling that all was secure.

    “I can’t see anything out of place” whispered Sienna as she slowly made her way to where Dawn stood against a tree to block her silhouette. “Either can I, lets slowly go down and check before getting the horses”.

  Together they moved slowly through the trees descending the small hill and over to the edge of the meadow before quietly approaching the homestead. Everything was as they left it, and Dawn stood on the porch feeling like something was not right but not sure what it was.

   By the afternoon, the horses were back in the corral and everything unpacked and Dawn sat with Sienna on the porch looking out across the yard to the meadow. “You going to watch Thorin tonight” and smirked and smiled at Sienna’s question.

  “I should” and looked over where Sienna sat smiling with a cold glass of water in her hand. “You never answered my question from a few days ago, you think we’ll ever get to Erebor” her voice had taken a soft tone and she looked away.

   “Maybe” and she stretched feeling her muscles argue and then relaxed them, her sword sat beside her within grabbing distance. She missed the conversations with Thorin that had taken place on the porch.

    The last few nights she found herself thinking of him constantly and wanting to watch him, but didn’t want to intrude or distract him from what he needed to do. The loneliness was a constant ache, and she yearned to hear his voice again.


   It was late when she lay down to sleep feeling her inner power drawing her somewhere. She walked out of the darkness into lantern light in the large carved halls of Erebor, its massive domed arches rising upward and halls leading off in all directions.

   The sound of many footfalls echoed and she smiled as dwarves walked the halls with tasks to do. She was invisible to them as she roamed the halls listening and looking at how majestic Erebor really was.

  She stood just off to one side of a corridor when a Dwarf went by that she recognized, Balin walked with purpose down the hallway to her right and she followed in hopes that he might lead her to Thorin.

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