Chapter Twelve:

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  They halted at the large wooden gate, the portcullis was down and the four guards came out in full armour and pikes up and swords drawn. Dawn gazed at them from Ajax’s back as the one guard approached them.

  “What is your business in Avalon” he demanded looking at her through the visor of his helm. “We’ve come to buy supplies we’ve had a hard spring” Dawn replied as he looked from her to Sienna.

  “You’re in full amour and here to buy supplies” his voice was suspicious and he didn’t move. “We heard that there had been attacks on the trade road, we’ve come from western foothills of the Pelori a days ride. I wouldn’t entrust not going traveling without armour” The guard lifted his visor and nodded, “True, we’ve had problems,” and he turned and motioned to the guard up on the palisade and the clanging of chains could be heard as the portcullis began to rise.

    “The town master has issued a curfew, so you’ll have to find lodging for the night” he spoke as they rode by him. “Thank you, we will” the horses trotted by them and they heard the portcullis being lowered behind them.

  Sienna looked back at the gate and then at Dawn, “Things must be really bad, in all the time we’ve come here for supplies we’ve never seen the guard armed and that suspicious” Dawn nodded as they rode through the narrow streets.

  “We’ll go to Vardamir’s, he could tell us more about what is going on around here” they traveled for another short distance before coming upon a two story house with a courtyard in the back.

   Pausing at the horse rail out in front Dawn dismounted and tied Ajax’s reins to the rail and Sienna did the same. The house was aged and the paint peeling on the shutters as they walked to the door and knocked.

   Yelling could be heard inside and the door opened and an older gentleman peered at them and then smiled. “Alatariel..Merenwen what are you doing here” Vardamir spoke opening the door wider and then raised a questioning eye at them both being armed.

   “Had to come for supplies, and news” Dawn replied and he ushered them both inside into the foyer. “Evan, go take the horses at the front and stable them in the back” Vardamir yelled down the hall and young man peeked around the corner and nodded and vanished.

   “Come you must be tired” and he led them down the hall into a large kitchen and offered them a seat at the harvest table. Dawn removed her sword from her back and hung it on the back of the chair before sitting. Vardamir walked to the counter and got them both a glass and poured a dark liquid into both and set them down in front of Dawn and Sienna.

  “Things must be bad on the home stead if you’re in town for supplies at this time of year” he asked as he took a seat to the left of Dawn. “We’ve had problems, creatures that I have never seen before attacking” he looked from her to Sienna with dark brown eyes and he lowered his gaze to his own glass.

  “Yes, we are having issues much the same here, outlying farms being attacked and burned. Towns folk are worried and scared and rumours of a great evil coming, of war” Dawn took a sip and felt the liquor burn her throat as she swallowed and warm her belly.

    “That bad Hugh” Sienna mumbled and Vardamir looked at her and leaned back in his chair. He ran a hand through his greying hair and then his eye’s came to rest on the sword hanging on the back of Dawns chair.

    He looked back at Dawn who had seen his look and was staring at him in return “New sword” he asked and Sienna looked at Dawn and sighed. “That wasn’t made by any smithy I know” Dawn took another sip of liquor “You wouldn’t it wasn’t made by anyone you’d know” and Vardamir got up and went to the pantry for some food.

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