Chapter Eighteen:

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   Thrain stood blocking Garrash and he snarled at the dwarf “Move” he shouted at him and Thrain shook his head. “Thrian, No” she spoke and he looked over and down at her where she lay. “Listen to the lady Dwarf, she knows better then you” Garrash spoke spitting the words out.

     “Alatariel, nothing good is going to come out of this” Thrain muttered looking down at her and she closed her eyes in acknowledgement. Garrash didn’t wait for an answer but shoved Thrain out of the way and sent him into the cell wall with a grunt. The dwarf fell heavily and sat leaning on the slimy cell wall glaring.

    “Killing her will not save you from winning the battle against Erebor” Garrash laughed and leaned down to where Dawn lay and she glared at him. “Come” and he grabbed her by her good arm and pulled her upright.

      The pain flashed and she cried out as she was rudely yanked and the room spun around her and Thrain yelled. Gasping she tried to get her good leg under her but was too weak and was dragged and she screamed as another orc grabbed her arm under her elbow to hold her up and she passed out.

      Thrain tried to get up but slipped as they dragged Dawn out of the cell crying out in pain as the cell door was slammed shut. He yelled as he heard her scream and the orcs laugh and he slammed his fist into stone floor in frustration.

    A stinging slap to the face brought Dawn out of darkness into a world of pain and fire. She screamed as her arm and chest were on fire, and she hung in shackles from a stone wall. The weight on her wounded arm made her wretch onto the floor at her feet and sweat broke out on her forehead.

   She gasped in pain as she tried to get her good leg under her to relieve the weight but she was too weak and she heard deep laughter coming from behind her. “Not so mighty now are you Witch” and she closed her eyes knowing that voice.

   Walking around to the side of her Azog peered down at her with narrowed eyes as her head hung. He was angry with the shield maiden, for her boldness taking Thorin out from within his grasp and she was going to pay dearly for the insult.

     He reached over and grasped her long auburn hair and yanked her head up so she had to look at him. “Look at me Witch” he demanded and Dawn opened her eyes to look into the pale eyes of Azog and the fury there made her tremble and he laughed. “You should fear me, but I want you to suffer” he snarled

     She had nothing to say, and knew that if she did speak it would only enrage him further and it was taking everything she had not to pass out again. “I know that Thorin gave you his ring and I want it, where is it” he demanded yanking on her head and it made her heave.

   “I don’t have it, I don’t know where it is” she gasped with him shaking her head violently made the darkness creep up and he let go and her chin hit the wall and she cried out as tears ran down her cheeks.

He strode away from her and she could feel the blood running down her leg and down her chest from the arrow wounds. “It seems according to my spies that Thorin Oakenshield has feelings for you, we’ll see how well he does when he knows I have you in my hands” and he walked back over and grabbed her hair again pulling her head back so she had to look at him.

   Her eye’s widened as a large dagger appeared in his large clawed hand while the other had her by the hair. Closing her eye’s she waited for the feel of the steel against her throat instead with a sharp slice he cut her hair off at the neck and her head snapped forward with the force and smacked the stone wall and sent her back into the welcoming darkness.

    Thrain paced the cell feeling anxious and angry when he heard the footsteps again approaching the cell. The clang of the keys in the lock made him back up and he froze as they dragged Alatariel in threw her on the floor.

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