
264 17 21

May 22, 2017
(I made that cover picture above^^)

Well..First entry or chapter or whatever you wanna call it. The people who are reading firstly I thank you for even clicking onto this book, I know not many people will read this which is fine, this book is more or less beneficial to me more than to wattpad itself.

I just wanted a place to write my thoughts and tell you guys what I'm feeling. I will sometimes mention my recent book I'm still writing which is 'PTSD- hold on Jack' bc I don't want to spam that book with author notes so if I need to say something along the lines of that book then I will say it here.

I won't be uploading another chapter today or most likely tomorrow. I'm sorry to disappoint. I just can't do it right now.

How I'm feeling right now...hmm.. I feel like total assbags. That not a word? It is now.

I got injured pretty bad a few days ago and I'm still hurting from that, but now when I woke up this morning my throat hurt so bad and I had a fever. Nothing is helping at the moment and since it's a holiday everything is closed. Great.

As you can tell I'm not quite happy, I get mad too often and I hate that about myself which is why I try to be as nice and kind as possible in my other books when replying to comments.

I'm a fairly angry person. If you've read my recent book then I'd assume you can imagine why.

But even then, I get angry for no reason sometimes, and I may explode or rage at whatever friends I have or even you guys for no particular reason. That's just who I am. I can't fix it even though you may think that I can but I just can't.

Sometimes when I write in this book I won't directly write towards you or the people reading. I'll treat this as a diary kind of thing but I will mostly keep secrets and stuff to myself.

Feel free to ask questions, within reason of course.

Also when you comment and I don't answer please don't think you don't matter or anything like that. I've gotten soooo many comments on my PTSD book and there are so many I can't keep up and answer them all.

But I do read every single one of them, I see all of them right when most of you send them and I'm very grateful that you take the time to ask questions or tell me to keep my head up and keep going. Just thank you.

I will post on this book whenever I feel the need to let out my thoughts and emotions so it will probably be daily.

Hope you stuck until the end, it's okay if you find these boring. I'm not forcing you to read it.


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