Chapter 15 (Kyra)

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•Month 1, Day 15•
Jack believes that today is the day we go to live our lives before my stomach starts showing. Now here we are, holding hands, walking down the street, and looking for houses. We both agreed that we need a place to live, other than the band's house.
"Jack, are you ok?" I see Jack shiver.
"Yep. I'm completely fine!" He tells me.
"Babe, about that party... do you remember anything that happened?" Jack asks me.
Why is he asking me this? I know what happened but, I have to say that I didn't know anything.
"What makes you think that? No, I don't." I lie.
Ok... so here's to sum up what happened. It was a crazy night.
"Oh how about this one?" Jack points to one of the houses.
"Sure! Let's go check it out." I agree.
"Kyra," Jack turns me towards him. "I love you." He puts his hands on my waist and kisses me. I push away and hold my stomach. I start to vomit.
"Hey! You! Over there! Call an ambulance! Please!" Jack yells to a guy and his girlfriend to try and get their attention. They sprint over here.
"He bro, what's wrong?" The guy says quickly. He rips his phone from his pocket and dials...his mom?
"Yo ma, listen. I need your help. What is wrong with her?" Corbyn continues the conversation with his mom.
"Dude, what's your name?" The guy asks.
"Jack. What's wrong with my girlfriend?" Jack freaks out.
"When did she visit the hospital last?" He asks.
"About two weeks ago." Jack says. The guy hangs up his phone.
"You look like one of my friends named Jack, Jack. But he's obviously not my friend anymore." He says.
"Can I ask why?" Jack asks. I stop vomiting.
"He and my ex-girlfriend are going to be parents..." his voice cracks.
"That's weird, my girlfriend and I are going to be parents too. What's your ex-girlfriend's name?" Jack questions
"Her name was Kyra." He says. I looks up at the guy.
"Corbyn?" I say.
"Kyra? What are you doing here?" He asks.
"We're looking for houses. We need room for our girl." I explain to him.
"I've always wanted a girl." Corbyn sighs and gets up.
"Anyways, my mom said you might be having twins because of all that." He points at the vomit puddle.
"Ok, bye Corbyn." Jack says.
"I knew you looked familiar, Jack." He says. He kisses his girlfriend and walks away. I get up and stomp to the car. I slam the car door behind me, folds my arms, then start to cry. I see Jack running to me and open the drivers door.
"Kyra, it's fine. How many times do I have to say, forget about him. You will have a family with me! You don't need him in life. He just wants you to get jealous." He comforts me. I look at her and hug her. I lean in for a kiss. He pushes away.
"Not until you clean your mouth." He says. I smile and laugh. He puts the key in and we drive off in his white and gold Camaro.
Month 1, Day 17•
"Babe, I got the bills." I lie to him as I look through the mail. He didn't get bills, he got fan mail. I'm wondering if people know about us.
"You lied! It's fan mail...and it's addressed to 'Kyra Avery'??" Jack shouts.
"Wait...give me that..." my smile turns to a frown and I snatch the envelope from him. My face is in shock. I rip the letter open.
"Read it." Jack eagerly says.
"The letter says 'You should be happy...Jack Avery...and...Kyra Avery... (ugh! It hurts to write your name Mrs. Avery!) You should go in for a check-up, see what the doctors tell you. If you want to know who I am, tough luck, you won't find out. From, Anonymous?' What the hell is this all supposed to mean?" I start to freak out.
"Should we listen to the note and go in for a check-up?" Jack foolishly says.
"No. I'm listening to some random person who knows all about us!" I yell.
I sat against the wall and brought my knees up to my chest to cry. Jack always tries his hardest to comfort me when I feel down. I don't think he likes seeing me like this.
"Kyra, it's ok. Don't stress out, be relaxed. I don't think it's good for the baby." He supports me.
"Baby? What baby? I'm going to 'abort the mission' because one too many people know about it! And I DON'T care what you think, we won't have this kid!" I get up and storm off.
Was that too much?

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