chapter 6

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Siera POV

I laid across the bed in the guest room. ive been really sad for the past two days. ive been thinking about my twin brother and my closest friend who was like a brother. I was sad cause I wasn't there for him when he died. See my dad had me and my mom had my brother. they had split up or whatever. it a long story. daddy girl and mommas boy.... that's how they decide who went with who. When I found out that my brother had died. My other half that I never knew. I was so depressed, and so angry at my father for keeping my twin a secret. and I wanted to kill that son of a bitch that killed him. he was only 9 when he died. when he died I felt like a part of me died with him even though I never met him. I dream of him all the time. Then there is the time I dream about my best friend. I loved him so much. he taught me all about the streets and the dudes. when I was going off earlier I think chapter 3 about silence must don't now my brother taught me well not my mom. well yeah he did. his name was Adrian. he died a couple of years ago. well they never found his body but he was indeed dead. I know that for a fact. he owed a lot of drug money to this guy they called KING. he didn't play about his money. he killed every person who came up short or didn't pay his money. a tear slipped down my cheek at the thoughts of him killing Adrian. he never got caught for his murder. he always hid the bodies, and burn them. so wasn't surprised that there wasn't a body found for my best friend. I miss them both very much. I wiped the tears from my cheek as Bree came bussing in the room. "Giiirllllll me and twannn has been getting it." She said all excited. UGH FYI IM A VIRGIN AND WANT TO STAY THAT WAY TILL IM MARRIED! crazy right? but I want too. its a goal for me. from what I heard, it worth waiting for for that that special someone. and I want it to be a memory I would never regret. "Girl that's nasty. yo tail need to be finding a job. you know its about to be senior year and you gonna need the money cause you know yo momma aint gonna pay for shit!" I said. "Girrrl we are on SUMMER BREAK. do it look like im worried about a job? and who gonna pay for senior stuff? HELL NO!!! sooooo blahhh blaahhh blahhh." She singed. I just laughed. she will learn. "So everybody is going bowling tonight. are we going?" She asked. "Girrrl naw ion even know how to bowl. and yall people down here are crazy oh hell nawl especially if SILENCE gonna be there. I aint got time for his shxt. uh uh nope." I said. she blew her breath. damn her breath stank. "And honey brush yo teeth. you trying to kill a nigga." I cried out covering my nose. She rolled her eyes. "You going bowling so be dressed by 7." She said and walked out. Tf she think this is? Females a trip I tell you, but I guess ill go. I do not want to hear her mouth. I looked at the time. it was 6. really? I jumped up and took me a twenty min shower and got dressed. yo girl was looking fyee. I put my hair in a high bun did my make up. and I was ready to go. I looked at the time(6:59). "Yo ass better be dressed." Bree said bussing into my room. she took one good like at me and said "Damn you bhad bisshh." I laughed. She was looking hella good too. She had on on some high waist faded ripped shorts and a half of shirt showing off her belly piercing. We took a couple pics together then headed out the door. We was straight bumping rich homie the whole ride. "She probably don't know That I fucked her friend If she ask about it I'm a be like, "Blah blah blah blah" When she try to argue with me I be like, Blah blah blah blah"

Trying to get back with me I be like, Hell nah nah nah And we ain't talking about no money I'm like,

"Blah blah blah blah!" We sung with the song. I was tripping out. bree was making these face while she was rapping. im like what is you doing girl. lmao . we pulled up to midnight bowling. it was straight packed. it took us forever to find a parking lot and thank god that it wasn't that far. we got out the car and walked to the place. it was so packed when we got inside. Bree said heyy so some familiar faces I remember from last summer when I visited. "Come on." She said pulling my arm to the rest our of girls. they were trying to bowl. I just started laughing. Then twan came up and put his arms around Bree. "Hey boo." He said to her. They kissed or whatever. "Hey beautiful." a deep voice said behind me. I thought it was silence till I turned around. "He... um heyy." I said to this guy. He was sexy af. He had some black dreads with light brown tips. he had it in a pony tail though. he had on some cargo shorts with a red and black and white polo button down shirt with some icy whites. He was looking fyyee. and his was dark skin. "Im Dre and yoooou are?" He said smiling. "Siera." I said. "Ooooh hey Dre." Bree butted in. I looked at her like damn he fine. help me. im stuck on words. "This is Siera. my cousin/best friend. break her heart ill kill you." She said then walked out. I laughed. like fr bree? "Just ignore her." I said still laughing. He laughed too. "Cute laugh ma. You know how to bowl?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Well come on so I can teach." He said grabbing my head. "Wait I have to buy those shoes." I said. He went up to the counter and got my size. he even paid for them. "How did you know my size?" I asked. "I know all about my shoes girl." He said. I laughed. I followed him to the lane we were suppose to play on. I looked at the door way as Silence came in. I quickly looked away. "Come here." Dre said getting my attention. I walked over to him. "Soo you hold it like this and let go like this." He demonstrated. he let me try and I did it all wrong. I was tripping."Noooo not like that.... " he got me behind and held my hand with this ball in our hands. "LIke this." He said. We bended over as we rolled the ball. my ass was all up on him. I wonder was he feeling what I was feeling to. my mind was no longer on bowling. I turned around and noticed that it was. he just stared at me. our face was close together ready for a kiss. "DRE!" A voice said startling the both of us. we both looked at the direction the voice came from. It was Silence. Damn, tf he want.


I shook my head as I saw my nigga Dre bowling with Siera. Siera was looking good with her lil shorts on. then she had on this lil ass shirt they read "BOSS". "DRE." I said as I saw them about to kiss. oh hell nawl. that belong to me. they both looked at me like what nigga. I walked up to them. "Sierra." I said smiling to her. she rolled her eyes. my smile disappeared. ""Wassup?" Dre said like nigga don't you see me in the middle of some. "Yeah lemme talk to you real quick." I said. "Uh Uh, if its about me nigga please Ion want you and never did. so don't come over here ruining the moment." Sierra said grabbing Dre hand. I just looked at her cause it was bout her. I watched her as she grabbed his hand and pulled him away. he looked at me like oh well. damn I done fucked up. I cant be worried about this girl right now. the nigga I need to be worried about is the nigga that in this joint right now. the nigga that killed my momma. I looked around to see that all my homies was in position. believe it or not ... some shit about to go down.

Siera POV

I was not about to let that nigga ruin the moment. I pulled dre away from his ass. We was now talking to get to know each other, So far I know his real name is Drevion he is an upcoming senior. he 18 his fav color is red he like music he can sing. And so far he have a great personality. He was almost perfect. "Soooo can I get your number?" He asked. I shook my head yeah. "843....." BOOM!! I jumped as the guns begin to go off. Dre grabbed me, and we ran for the door. "Wait bree." I said in panic. I looked around. there were so many people running around screaming. I cried for Bree. it was then I spotted her. My heart dropped. "Come on there is noth....".... I ran over to where she was. I stared at her body laying in a puddle of blood. I didn't realize that I was screaming so loud that I scared my own damn self. the tears ran down my cheek. I bent down on my knees. "NOOO BREE NOOO GET UP." I said shaking her. I felt her pulse. "BREE BABY GET UP. YOU CANT BE DEAD. BABY GET UP." I cried to her. I didn't wanna except the fact that she was gone... forever. "Come oooon." Dre said pulling on me. "NO NO NO." I cried. BOOM! yes they were still shooting. "We gotta go." He said. I looked up and seen Silence and twan and the rest of the crew shooting at some guys that were shooting back. I got and ran to silence with Dre at my side. "YOU KILLED HER YOU SON OF A BITCH." I yelled as I got closer to him. He stopped shooting. Everybody stopped shooting. they all stared at me. "YOU KILLED HER." I yelled pointed at bree. I was crying to hard. I looked at twan. I seen a tear slip down his cheek. "WHYYYY?" I screamed. I cried my little heart away. I looked at silence. he didn't say anything. "FIRST I LOSE MY BROTHER CODY AND ADRIAN NOW BREE." I said crying even harder. I fell to my knees. "Wait cody who?" A guy asked. He was on the other side. I guess he was they guy Silence and his crew was shooting at. "White." I said looking at him. "Siera?" He asked. "Yeah how you know my name?" I asked curious. "Mane Cody was my nigga. he was like a brother to me. OMG you look just like that motherfucker. his ass talked about you so much, but I never seen you before." He said. I looked at him shocked. " He knew about me? He knew he had an twin. OMG. who are you? and what happen to him? how did he die?" I asked knowing some of the answers. "THAT BITCH RIGHT THERE KILLED HIM." HE SAID POINTING. I followed his fingers. OMG. Silence. "YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BROTHER!" I yelled getting up. I went up to silence. he just stared at me and shook his head. I started hitting him. one of his niggas started to raise his gun. Silence held up his hand to stop him. he then grabbed me by the neck. he looked into my eyes. I looked back into those black dark eyes. I wasn't scared. "Yo put her down mane she a fucking female." One of the dudes said. Then the police sirens came on. they were getting louder and louder. Everybody stated running except me cause silence was still holding my neck. "Yo come on bruh." Twan said to him. He pulled me along with them. "No nooo noo." I screamed as we went out the back doors. Ugh where did dre go even my brother best friend?? I needed them. they left me with a killer.......... my brothers killer

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