Part 18:I Need U

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Taehyung's POV

I went towards Jisoo's Room and Jump to her Bed.I saw her picture frame next to her bed on a bookshelve With a lamp on it.

Her Pretty Face with a reflect of the sun on her face makes her perfect, with a sweet smile. Wearing those Orange whole dress, off shouldered, her hair was black and combed,she was holding this red poll from the waiting shield, her eyes was direct to the camera. I wonder who took this photo. I didn't realize there we're tears falling from my eyes. How could Stacy do this? The girl I love had lost. Remember Joy? Well I like her when I was at the Red Army Academy, but then she rejected me. We transferred here at Blinks Army University because Jungkook needs to move on from Tzuyu. Now, Jisoo was lost I felt empty! Why is the world so cruel to me? I just want someone to love me for who I am, Even if I'm childish. I accept it, but for that I want her to accept that attitude of mine, Guess Jisoo's the one that accepted that! But I'm lost when she's lost and got away from my arms! Where could I fine Jisoo, Help me please, Help us find her!

[A/N:Readers! Will you Help TaeTae and the others, Find The Lost Jisoo]

My Thoughts where snap by the knock of the door.

"Taehyung, We need to go back and pack our things"..I heard that's Jimin.

"Go Pack My Things, I won't live this room. Whether you like it or not"..I responded.

"But Taehyung, We'll come back here, once we're done packing up"..I heard that's Jin

"I said I don't want to leave this room. Pack My Things, and bring it hear at Jisoo's Room.Make Sure Jungkook's the one will enter this Room"..I strictly ordered at the end.

"Arasseo! We'll be back"..Jin Hyung agreed.

Jin's POV

"Well I guess we can't stop him, from being there"..I said and faced the others.

"After all, he really loves Jisoo"..Jimin said

"Let's get going"..Jungkook said

"Okay!"..I nodded and we headed towards the van.The others followed us.

"We'll be back okay"..I said to Jennie as I ran my hands on her head.And Kissed her forehead. Yeah! I'm courting her! Don't tell BigHit Okay! (Jin! This isn't the time telling them that) 

I drove the car towards BigHit Building.

"It Seems like, Taehyung wasn't feeling good about Losing Jisoo"..Jungkook said

"Yeah! He's been talking about her to us every single day he thinks about her"..Jimin responded.

"Yeah! Like The day when he said 'Guys, I'll give this Necklace To her' "...Jungkook said

"Yeah! He's never been so happy like that before"..I said

"But when will that come back"..Jimin said

"Probably When Jisoo was found"...Jungkook said, I nodded in agreement.

We arrived at the Building and went to our dorm.

"Hyung-nim,"..I called out our managers name.

"We need to be on our friends house"..I said

"Why? And where's Taehyung"...He asked

"Well the girl he loves just got lost"..I said

"Oh! I'm sorry for that, where's Namjoon, J hope and Yoongi"..He asked

"Well The Girl Taehyung loves is Namjoon, J hope and Yoongi's Sister, that's why we need to stay there"..I said.

"Oh, well I understand, I'll call whenever your free okay"...he said and I nodded. I rushed towards the dorm and I saw Jimin and Jungkook packing things up. I started packing my things, Pajamas, Jacket, Shoes, Slippers,T-shirts,And Etc. Placed them into the 3 luggages and..... Done. Once I'm done I saw Jungkook done packing to his things, but it seems like, Taehyung's things isn't packed.
I went to him and help him.

"I'll help, I'll get his shoes and Pajamas, You'll get his T-shirts, Jacket, And don't forget his Gucci things"..I said and start looking for Taehyung's things and placed them on his luggages. Jungkook placed all Taehyung's things I asigned him to the Luggages and closed it.

"Let's Go"..Jimin called. We went down using elevator,..As we arrived at the ground floor, we went towards the Van and place this heavy luggages at the back of the van.

Arriving at Namjoon's house with heavy luggages, Lucky Rosé saw us and called the three to help us.

Once we entered the house, Jennie Leaded us to the guess room.

"These will be your Room for 3 or 5 years"..Jennie said we nodded. We understand why we need to stay here for that long years.

We placed our Things to the cabinet, this Room had 4 awesome cabinets, It suits us to this three cabinets. Jimin with Black Cabinet, Jungkook with Red and Me..........of course Pink.
Once we're done placing this, we saw this 3 luggages left. Me and Jimin gazed at Jungkook

"Yeah! Okay, I'll give this to him"..He said and pulled the luggages. We followed him from behind, He pulled 1 luggage same with me and Jimin, We arrived at Jisoo's room. Jungkook knocked the door.

"Hyung, it's me Jungkook"..Jungkook called out.

"The door is not lock"..I heard Taehyung responded, Jungkook slowly opened and take the luggages from our hand and went inside.

"Let's Go, Jungkook will tell us, what happened to him"..I pulled Jimin and went to The Living room.

Jungkook's POV

"Hyung, Here's your things"..I said and left the Luggages at the bed's side as I sat at the edge of the bed. Taehyung was, still crying and affected of what happened. He loves Unnie so much. His nose was red as a tomatoes because of sniffing while Crying.

"Hyung, You don't need to be like that forever right"..I said. He started to get up and sit at the bed with cross legged.

"She just make my world bright"..He mummbled

"I understand hyung. I feel the same, she comforted me when I need someone to comfort me. But it doesn't mean you need to be locked up to this room"..I said to him reaching his shoulder. He started to even cry more.

"Kookie *sob* I'm just *sob* not feeling okay *sob* without her *sob* it hurts *sob* to loose *sob* a girl *sob* you love"...He said while sobbing.

"C'mon, hyung you need to be strong for her. Unnie wouldn't want you seeing like this"..I said and started rubbing his back to comfort him. He hugged me while crying, and it makes some tear drop from my eye.. Sh*t that Stacy.

Taehyung started to close his eyes from crying and turning to sleep. I placed his head to the pillow and straighted his feet to make him comfortable and covered him with a thick blanket because Jisoo's room has an aircone, okay! So live with that. Leaving the room and slowly closing the door and head to the others.

"Here he is"..I heard Namjoon hyung said

"What?"..I observe all eyes where on me.

"What did he say"..Jin asked

"He still crying, and still affected and he said he can't live without her"..I responded and sit next to Lisa

"I'm sure he was still affected to what happen to Unnie"..Rosé said and looked down.

"How is he now?"...Jimin asked

"His cry turned to sleep"..I said

"Do You Think that Stacy, could be found?"..Jennie said

"I'm comfortable with it"...Namjoon responded.

Yes! I'm sure, we can find that Stacy. Get Ready Stacy, or You'll be on Jail.

Good Luck!
Hope You'll find Stacy Guys, I'm wishing you goodluck!
Jisoo, Where could you be?

Jisoo: probably to the place you'are going to put me on.

Me: Oh yeah! You're Right.

Sorry for letting you wait!, Until Next update

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