Chapter 5: Mission Impossible

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As I watched an avalanche of uneaten chips tumble out of the girl's mouth, it had me second guessing myself about what I was doing with my life.

Why was I here trying to get this slop to fall for me? It should be the other way around where she would be the one clobbering all over me, doing everything she could to be with me, Mike Nor. I was way too good for her.

My eyes landed on the cute blonde, who welcomed me in, and looked her up and down. Hell, I should be spending my time going after her, not Slobber Mouth here.

Whatever, I had to stick to the plan that Garrison gave me and pressure Ashley into dating me. It better turn out the way I wanted it to or else Garrison and I were going to have a talk. If this plan of his fails to bring me justice in the end, I will make a complete fool of myself by chasing after a girl that doesn't deserve my attention.

My whole entire reputation and pride depended on him. All I could hope for was that he wouldn't screw me over, but why would he do that?

Ashley's roommate was horrified by Ashley's manners and scrambled up to her in a panic. The girl deserves some respect for living with such a mess.

If I was her, I would have already buried her in a dumpster and got rid of her for good.

"God! Ashley, what on earth is wrong with you!"

Seriously, what was wrong with her?

She reminded me of those poor old ladies that were senile in those musky nursing homes- especially the creepy ones in the back who seem to stare into oblivion with their mouths gaping wide open, letting the food the nurse’s had fed them drool out.

The nurse, who would be Ashley's roommate in this case, would clean the food off of Ashley's lap and gently close her mouth shut.

I shuddered at the thought. It was like I had seen a whole disturbing snap shot of Ashley's possible future. Damn, what if I was going to be like that? One day, I will be old and helpless and all my fame will wither away, but I can't let that happen. I won't let it.

"It's okay, really. I don't mind." No, it wasn't okay- this whole thing was not okay.

I was an actor for Hollywood, not a fake that pretended to be head over heels for a girl that I hated with a burning passion. An actor was to act as a character besides himself and live in a reality that has never existed.

Acting was not lying. I can't pretend to be someone I'm not, so this whole mission that Garrison sent me out on was pointless. I can't do it. I'm not believable enough.

Whether it was the voice on my left shoulder, the right shoulder, or the little voice in my head, it told me a phrase that my mother had whispered to me long ago, That's what actors do, they make the unbelievable believable. You're the best of them Mike, and I know that you can do anything with that power.

This situation didn't do my good mother and her remaining words any justice, but the idea fit the tar pit I found myself in.

Letting out a deep breath like I usually would before stepping foot on the set of Blood Run, I put my game face on and got ready to make this girl fall hard.

The blonde didn't matter now, so I pushed her to the side to get to Ashley. “I’m just happy to be here with my baby. I really am."

Garrison wanted me to play it so Ashley would think that I liked her, but I wanted her to know the whole time that I was playing her. I wanted her to think that she had a chance with me but knew better that she didn't when I had the upper hand.

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