Chapter 3: Dark Secrets Revealed

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Being the big brother to a crazy celebrity has its ups and downs.

Of course, it depends on who we're talking about, but it's a whole different story when your related to Mike Nor. Mike has got this whole list of rules; don't contact him during school, don't tell anyone else that we were brothers, avoid him at all costs, and the list goes on.

He gets on my nerves, but as any other brother would I will protect him; except for now.

Mike's not a saint and it's about time he had his ass handed to him. I should be going out there to help him, but this would be a good lesson for him to learn.

It was tiring to see him screw up, make out with different girls each day, and turn into an intolerable jerk as the years pass by. It was about time for a girl to stand up to him. I thought this day would never come, but here it was, happening right in front of my eyes.

While taking a step back, I blended into the crowd and leaned against the locker behind me. The last thing I wanted was for Mike to see me in the midst of the crowd.

"You’re such a jerk."

Immediately following the voice, a friendly hand punched my shoulder and slid right next to me. It startled me at first, but I grinned down at the blonde who stood next to me.

The way Jacquelyn would punch me but innocently stare straight ahead never gets old. While I turn around and pretend to see who punched me, I could see her smile from the corner of my eyes. I haven't told her yet, but I always knew it was her.

Every now and then I think about telling her the truth, but I can't because it's the way she smiles. The poor girl has been going through a lot recently, so I would do anything to keep seeing her bright smile.

For a greeting, there wasn't much said. We both smiled, looked at each other, and nodded to acknowledge that we were aware of the other's existence. Usually she would say something demeaning along the lines of 'Sup loser', but I figured there was something going on with her today.

There was an awkward silence between us, but we endured it by watching Mike burrow his head in his arms, trying his best to conceal the pain. Part of me wanted to run up to him and help, but that would violate at least thirty of his rules.

One thing that I had learned over the years was not to mess with Mike and his beloved rules.

Even if I was to run up there and help him, there wouldn't be anything that I could do besides babying him and getting him an ice pack. He was old enough to take care of himself.

Jacquelyn shook her head and swayed her golden locks in front of her face, laughing and mocking my duty of an older brother to herself.

My ears were able to pick up on the few words that she muttered, which was enough to give me the general idea, but I wanted to hear the words from her own lips.

"What did you say?" I laughed while nudging her over with my shoulder.

Her blue eyes danced in delight as she gladly accepted my challenge. I knew she wouldn't be afraid to declare her own thoughts and personal opinions without hesitation and that was one of the things that I loved about her.

Standing on her toes, she tried her best to overcome the two inch barrier of height.

"You’re a horrible brother and an asshole." She laughed. "Honestly, you’re leaving him out there like that? Aren't you going to go stick up for him?"

She did have a point, but it would take me forever to explain.

After a few seconds of not responding, she widened her eyes and searched my face eagerly, trying to figure out my answer before I could speak it. I have known Jacquelyn for seven years, but I still can't get over how cute she looked when she widened her eyes like that.

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