Chapter 35: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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The light hadn't even stretched beyond the dusty curtains of this cheap motel, yet my eyes were already wide open staring straight up at the hotel ceiling. 

It was an odd feeling- a concoction of delirious excitement and giddiness. Shutting my eyes, I draped my arm over my forehead and sighed. There was another strange feeling. Regret? In the face of my restlessness, I huffed out another sigh and flipped over on my side.  

There he was, Dane, on the other bed fast asleep with his mouth wide open.


I chuckled, snuggled my head against the pillow, and just let my eyes linger on him for just a little while longer. In the past, I never would have imagined Dane being my type, but with how adorable and cute he makes everything it's hard not to be charmed. 

Though, he was far from cute last night. 

Clasping my chest and flipping back onto my back, I felt the frantic thrum of my heart through my fingertips. My thoughts stirred with it's rapid speeds, and soon Dane's words and face flitted through my mind- the way the warmth of his hands traversed the dip of my neck and back. The tingle he placed on my bottom lip with his- no. 

I can't let myself be involved in this. 

Careful as to not wake him, I swung my feet around the bed and lifted myself out from the covers.

Things were messy as it was with Mike. What other catastrophe would it cause to also be involved with Dane?

My fingers clamped around the edges of my sweater when I pulled it around my waist. I didn't get myself involved in a love triangle, did I? 

The momentary thrash of panic was dulled at the thought of Mike. I scoffed at myself and shrugged on my jacket. When did Mike care about anything else besides himself and getting laid? It was a fact I knew from the very beginning. It was his constant pestering presence that was wearing my guard down, so now that I almost have him out of my life I am back to my senses. 

It's refreshing.

I'm finally back to who I was and what I came to Ridgewood high school for- giving my family the life we used to have and exposing the truth behind Daniel's death. 

A dull smile crept up my lips when I fished Daniel's wallet out from my jacket pocket, twirling the brown, worn leather between my fingers. Now that it was Thanksgiving break, I had the time to start finding some answers, and the fish market had my name on it. I will find out why Daniel visited that place so many times before his death and how Garrison and his gang was related as well. 

It has to be correlated. I just have a feeling. 

Lifting my head in confidence, I reached out towards the handle of the door to leave, but a sudden rustle behind me caused me to hesitate.


I feel bad leaving him in the morning like this without notice- like his thoughtful night out for me was some cheap one night stand. Not like it was. Dane was a gentleman that knew how complicated things were and didn't want to pressure me. However, I failed to see how twisted his situation was as well. 

What happened between him and Jacquelyn must have broke his heart. Breaking any relationship that lasted as long as theirs would bound to be painful.

We must have both been out of our minds yesterday. 

Nothing was meant to be between us either.  

Nodding my head to make sure I had this truth confirmed to myself, I slipped out the door and took the bus to the fish market after sending a quick text to Dane. If anything, I should at least tell him where I was going.

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