Chapter 8: In Deeper Water

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Three points for me and zero for the pathetic girl who thinks she can trick Mike Nor.

I don't know what kind of crazy possessed her to embarrass me in front of the whole school like that, but she was going to get it. I know I said that for the thousandth time, but as a celebrity it takes years to develop the image that I have now, but only seconds to destroy it.

If she gets away with the crime that she has committed, all the students at Ridgewood would make a laughing stock out of me.

Sure, I took up the role of the cliché 'bad boy player' icon- not bothering to lift a finger to write down notes in class, pushed people into doing the work for me, and roamed around the halls doing whatever the heck I wanted, but it's hard work doing that stuff.

Some people, like Ashlyn, may look at me like I was a person with no substance or value because I was like any other player out there. To them, I was the same old thing and there was nothing unique about me.

Personally, I don't give a fuck about what they think because I am the player of Ridgewood, and this was my turf. I'm the king and this was just a little playground that I could mess around with.

Hell, the teachers don't even mess with me because my dad practically owns the school. I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

No one has stepped out of line before until Ashlyn came along. I was going to make sure that she's going to learn her place and follow my rules; If she didn't, she wasn't going to stay in Ridgewood.

I'll make sure of that.

"Mr. Mike Nor!"

I turned around and found Gardner running across the parking lot in my direction.

You have got to be kidding me! How the hell did he find me?

"Garrison," I growled, "you little shit."

Garrison was the only person that knew what I was doing and he must have told Gardner. What did I expect? Of course the little devil was going to screw me over somehow.

Sprinting off in the opposite direction, I circled around the dorm and ran back inside. I had to lose Gardner somehow. I didn't want to go home to help Dane prepare my father's welcome back party.

The only party that I'd be helping set up that involves my father is his funeral.

"Oh fuck." I gasped as I bent down and rested my hands on my knees. This was insane. I couldn't breathe. Who knew that running around one of the dorm buildings two times and up a flight of stairs could be enough to give someone a heart attack?

On the bright side, this would probably get me fit before the season finale of Blood Run.

After I managed to climb a few more steps, I saw one of Ashlyn's blonde roommates go back inside her dorm. Maybe I could have a chance to get to know her and hit on her. Wouldn't that be a scandal-me cheating on Ashlyn with her best friend and roommate? That is, if I get Ashlyn to like me but knowing my charming self, I probably would.

"Hey," I called out, trying to restrain myself from panting like a rabid dog. "is Ashlyn still there?"

The blonde turned quickly around and leaned up against her door post, her arms wrapped around it for support and her chest heaving up and down from the surprise and complete utter confusion. "My name is Lauren, incase you were wondering."

Seems like someone was a little confused as to what I was asking.

Nevertheless, I smiled and strolled over to her with my hands in my pockets, which slowly swayed from side to side as I walked down to her- seeming casual at first glance but adding a smooth charm to my step as I got closer.Step two was smilingat her with the smile that usually melts all my fan girls to a small puddle of lip stick and makeup; a subtle grin pushed up on the right side to a few little crinkles making it playful but not overly flirtatious.

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