Chapter 4

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"Howl, I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N."

It was a great night, dancing around the flowers while the shooting stars streaked across the sky. It was one of the most memorable nights in my life. We went back inside to see Calcifer making vomiting noises.

"Howl, make them stop! They're right in front of me."

I look over to see Markl and Lucy kissing right in front of Calcifer.

"I can't stop them, you know that. Any who, Y/N and I'll be in my room."

"Oh great, at least you can do that away from my eyeballs!"

We walked upstairs and Howl took me to his room. It was a little cluttered with all these different things. There were dream-catchers, jewels, and other different little trinkets sprawled throughout his enormous room.

"Sorry about the mess, I really don't get visitors much."

"It's quite alright."

~Time Skip~

In the morning, I woke up to the sound of Howl's slowly rising and lowering chest. I looked up at him, he looked so cute when he was asleep. I giggled to myself and placed my head on his shoulder. His arms slowly wrapped around me, bringing in more warmth as he pulled my body closer to his. Soon, his eyes fluttered open as if his eyes were butterfly wings and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Y/N."

"Good morning, Howl."

"Want breakfast before you head out?"

"I would love that."


"But can we just stay here for a little longer?" I sighed, "I just want to be close to you for a little longer."

"That's fine."

And for another hour, we snuggled and talked about what was like in our normal everyday lives, how one time his hair changed color (which was pretty funny), and other things. When we finally got up, Calcifer was ready with breakfast. Markl and Lucy were making some bacon and eggs when Howl and I came downstairs.

"Morning, Master Howl."

"Morning, Markl. Morning, Lucy."

"Morning, Howl. Morning Y/N."

"Morning Lucy and Markl."

Breakfast was served, I got ready to open the bookstore, and Howl took me there. Stepping inside, I finished restocking and filing papers, with the help of Howl.

"I can stay here if you'd like me to."

"It's alright, Howl. If you got nothing else to do, you can stay."

"I haven't got much to do."

"Then stay for as long as you like."

Customers poured in, unusual morning rush. I heard from people that the queen was coming in town for the day, and they want to read up on what she's interested in to please her. I haven't got much books on Queens and royalty bloodlines, but those were out within two minutes.

"Everyone please calm down. I'm sure Howl and I can find you some good use for the limited books we have."

I turned to Howl and whispered to him, "Whatever you find, first come first serve."

"Alright. I'll do my best."

After a few hours of angry customers, we finally made it through the work day. Tried and a little sweaty, Howl and I walked up to my apartment. Kenny was excited to see a new person in the apartment.

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