Chapter 1 Rewrite: 15k Special

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A/N: Thank you so much for the 15k reads! I wouldn't be here celebrating with all of you guys! Thank you again so much. I know I've mentioned her before, but I am going to mention her one more time. Sawyer_Cade_Howelter thank you for giving me the idea that is celebrating a huge milestone. Sadly, after this chapter is released, I will not be writing this until around 30k or 50k, which probably won't happen until maybe a good year or two. But thank you anyway guys! On with the show!

"There had been reports of a man seeing to be walking in the sky with a young lady. No one knows who he is yet, but there are rumors of him being Wizard Howl who lives in The Waste with his magical, moving castle. There will be more on this tonight," said a news reporter.

"Can you believe that?" Jeff asked, throwing down the book he was reading.

"Believe what?" I asked.

"This Howl guy. If anything, I'd arrest the man. Who knows what he was doing with that young lady," he grumbled.

"Maybe he was saving her."

"Saving her, my ass! Howl is known for stealing the hearts of girls and everything and then feasting on it. He's a monster."

"Maybe you're thinking of a different person."

"Why are you standing up to him? You know nothing about him!"

"You shouldn't judge what rumors say about him, Jeff."

Jeff looked at his watch and then out the window, "Where's Marcus? He's supposed to be coming soon."

"Going out on a date again?"

"Yeah. We've been only dating for three years. Surely he'd get a better sense of time."

"We're talking about the man who said they he loved you when you were at least a year and a half into dating. He has no sense of time," I snickered.

"I guess you're right."

The doorbell rung and Jeff ran towards the door. It was Marcus.

"Have fun! But not too much!" I called.

"We don't make any promises!"

I chuckled as they left. I grabbed my keys and walked down the stairs and into my little bookstore. It wasn't as big as some bookstores are. But it was a good business. There were many people who'd come in, survey, leave, and come back two days later to buy the book they were looking at two days prior. It was small, yes, but it was well known in our little area. I flipped the sign to say 'open' and walked into the back of the store to restock shelves. It was one thing that this place was lacking: space. The shelves were too tightly packed together that it was impossible to move through the asiles. The only thing that was a moderately good size was the storage, since I had ordered more copies of books.

I sell almost anything you could think of. Murder mysteries, sci-fi novels, fantasy, nonfiction, romance, and spell books. If there was anything you needed, I either owned it or can order it for any customer. As I was restocking, a young lady walked through the door. The bell rang, signaling her entrance.

"Hello! Welcome to Y/N's Cranny of Books. How may I help you?"

"Hi, do you have any books on sewing?"

"Let me look."

I placed the books I was restocking the shelves with down and walked over to the sewing/fashion section. I picked out three books. One was called: Sewing 101, All things to know about Sewing, and Sewing for the News

"Here are the three books I have on sewing. There are more books back in the sewing/fashion section if none of these three match what you're looking for."

"Thank you," she said, taking the three books and looking through them. 

Another customer walked in. It was a fair man who had blond hair, a white t-shirt, black pants, and dress shoes. He had a light pink jacket hanging over his shoulders as if it were a cape. 

"Hi, welcome to Y/N's Cranny of Books. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm looking for spell books."

"They'd be in the back towards the cooking books."

"Thank you," he said walking towards the back. 

The girl came up to the counter with a few books in her arms. I took them from her and checked her out.

"Anything new with the shop, Sophie?"

"Not really. Just seeing if these books can give me some inspiration."

"Knowing you, I'm pretty sure you can find something."

I handed her the books she purchased, "Thank you, Y/N."

"Come back anytime, Sohpie. You know you're welcome anytime."

"Same to you with the hat shop," she said as she left the bookstore.

"This is a nice little bookstore you have. Not being overrun with different genres and tempted to buy something you're not supposed to," said the man.

"Yeah. That's a habit I have. I see a book that looks interesting and want to purchase it."

He smiled and walked up to the counter with a couple books in his hands. He set them down and I looked at their titles: How to get the girl of your dreams and Changing your looks in 10 seconds.

"These are some interesting magic books."

"Yeah. I'm teaching my sixteen year old student to flirt. He can't flirt at all."

"I feel him," I smiled.

"I think you might be good at flirting. The kind of type that doesn't know she's actually flirting."

I grew a bit uncomfortable. The man caught on quickly.

"I'm sorry if I seem like I'm trying to flirt with you. I'm one of those types that doesn't know they're flirting."

"It's alright. I just, never really talked to a guy other than my brother and his boyfriend."

"I see."

I handed him his books as he was writing something down on a sticky note. I handed him his books and he payed and put the sticky note on my desk.

"Have a good day," I said.

"Thank you. And to you as well."

He exited and I looked down at the sticky note he left me: Howl-call me. My number is. There were numbers written down, but they were a bit hard to tell what they were. I sighed to myself.

"Why me?"

~Thank you again so much for the 15k reads! Sadly, this is where I end for now. I might return when I get a bigger milestone. Thank you again guys! BAAAAAII!!!!!

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