Chapter 18

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Hey guys. I've been thinking. I decided to make my descion after the Wattys are over. Once they're over, I'll release my descion. It's just getting really hard to write right now. There aren't anymore things for me to write about, other than Y/N and Elizabeth getting Howl and Viktor back. But since I'm on Chapter 18, I'll see if I can cram in 2 more chapters before the Wattys are over. So this may be good bye, this may be a new beginning, I don't know what it'll be yet. Anyway, Princess of Themyscira is under progress. A new story I've thought of when I was playing Injustice. Anyway, on with the story!

I woke up with no memory of what happened. Viktor was gone from me, Y/N and Elizabeth, no where to be seen. It seemed as if I woke up from a horrible nightmare. Where I never found love, never had a family. Tears slipped from my eyes and they burned. It felt as if my body was on fire. I heard footsteps come my way. I looked up to meet the eyes of a demon. They were my eyes. They were my red beady eyes when I turned into my demon.


"Give in, Howl. You can take this pain all away, once you give in."

"I'll never give into you, you bitch!"

"Oh that's not a very nice word to say to your mentor."

"You were never my mentor."

"Oh really?"

My head dropped a little. I wanted her to go away and leave my family alone. I didn't want to deal with her anymore. She was like a parasite, you try to get rid of it, but it keeps on coming back. You can't get rid of her until you give in. That's not what I'm going to do!

"I'll never give into you!"

"Oh, you will."

Her hand went right through my chest. I screamed in pain. Her hand grabbed something and she forcefully ripped her hand out. I gasped for breath and looked up at her. There was blood coming from inside of my chest. On her hand, was a pulsating, and bleeding heart. She ripped my heart out!

"You'll become a cold monster."

My head dropped, tears falling out of my eyes. There was a tingling sensation where my heart used to be. I could feel myself dying again. Before Y/N came into my life and made my heart whole once again. It felt like there was darkness surrounding me right now. Like my life never even exisited. Feathers appeared around my face. I no longer had control over myself. Suliman was controlling me now.

"Find, Y/N and kill her. And bring me Elizabeth."

I spread out my wings and burst through the ceiling. I flew towards the town, searching for Y/N and Elizabeth. My mind was flustered with images of blood. I didn't want to do this, but I'm not in control right now. 

"Marcus! Jeff! We need your help!" I yelled.

"What is it?" Jeff asked.

"It's Howl and Viktor. They're gone," Elizabeth said.

"Where are they?" Marcus asked.

"Suliman," I said. 

"That witch again?" Marcus asked.


"We can help, but Elizabeth, you have to watch over Sidney," said Jeff.

"I will."

"Protect him with your life, Elizabeth!" I called before leaving the apartment. 

We ran out onto the streets. I remember where Suliman's castle is, but getting there is always a tricky thing. I led my Jeff and Marcus towards the castle. If there was one sure way to get to her, it was through the door. We ran inside, waking up Calcifer.

"Hey, what's the big idea! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Sorry, Cal," I said.

I closed the door and switched it towards the red dial. I opened the door to see the town where her castle is.

"This is it."

"That was fast," said Marcus.


We ran out onto the streets and towards Suliman's castle. We made it past the guards and made our way into her room.

"Oh what a nice surprise," said Suliman.

"Where's Howl and Viktor?" I asked.

"Howl is out and about, doing some errands. Viktor is having a nice nap right now."

Viktor was sleeping on nothing but a matress. It was old looking and had some holes in it. It also looked very lumpy. How could anybody sleep on that? Soon Viktor's head rose and he looked at me, then to Jeff, then back over to Suliman.

"Can I go now, lady?"


"What do you want with me and my family?" I asked.

"Your powers."

"I don't have any powers."

"I know you don't. That's why I'm only after your children and husband."

Sidney was an easy toddler to look after. Being a few years older than Viktor, he was nice and easy. We were just watching his TV shows when a giant bird crash landed in the apartment. I picked Sindey up and made a mad dash towards the bookstore. I knew who the bird was. It was my father. Howl made his way down towards us, causing some books fall from their shelves.

"Lizabeth, what is that?" Sidney asked.

"My father."

"Your father is a bird?"

"A demon."

Howl snapped his jaws at us. I picked up a book and whacked him in the face with it. He snarled and grabbed my leg. Great. I placed Sidney underneath the desk.

"Don't move! Your fathers will be back soon, Sidney."


Howl dragged me out of the store and headed into the air. I knew where I was going. And I was tired of this bitch coming after the family.

"Howl should be back any moment."

There was a loud crash and Howl landed on the floor, Elizabeth dangling from her leg.

"Elizabeth!" I yelled.

"Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Suliman asked.

"Can you please stop coming after us?" Elizabeth asked. "It's starting to get old and worthless. What do you even want from us?"

"I want to rule the world. And I have the three most powerful wizards in front of me. Howl, drop Elizabeth and kill Y/N!"

"NO!" Elizabeth yelled.

Marcus and Jeff placed themselves in front of me. I stood there, shock paralyzed me to the same place I was standing. Howl dropped Elizabeth with Viktor and turned towards me. His eyes were red and beady. I've seen those eyes before. He leapt towards Marcus and Jeff. He cut their stomachs and pushed them aside. I kicked Howl in the jaw. He snarled and roared at my face. I tried everything I could do, but he was a bird and he was huge! He soon tackled me and his jaw was right above my face. There was fear crawling up my throat. And there he was, death staring me in the face.

~Hey guys! Thought I ended with a cliff hanger. Like I said before, it's getting really hard to write these chapters. Once I hit 20 chapters, I'm going to take a break. Once the Wattys are over, I'm going to make my descion. I hope I don't upset any of you when I make my descion. If I retire this story, I hope people will continue to read it. I'm still looking forward to the 1k reads. BAAAAIIIII!!!!

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