Chapter 11: Deleted: Honeymoon

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It has been sometime after the wedding when Howl and I decided to go to the beach for our honeymoon. It was calm and relaxing when we got there. Though it was very hot, it was wonderful to be with Howl that day. We spent a week and a half at the beach. We got ice cream, got some surfing lessons, and other things. It was nice to just be with him through that week and a half. Early in the morning we would walk on the beach, watching the sun rise higher and higher. One night we were walking and we saw a hole in the sand erupt. We walked over and sat there, for about an hour.

"What do you think is in there?" Howl asked.

"Maybe baby turtles."

While we were sitting there, we attracted attention from other people, who had flashlights. THey shined it on the hole and a small nose or beak peaked out and sunk back in. We waited for another hour and soon the sand erupted to reveal baby turtles. The people turned off the lughts and we watched them make their way to the shoreline and into the water. Howl and I kept walking after that happened, talking about it.

"That was something," he said.

"It was. A once in a life-time experience."

"Those turtles were so cute!"

"I know right."

"Not as cute as you, dear."


I pressed my lips lightly against his and we kept on walking. Some people had kites out this late, some had fireworks, and others had brought play items. We walked back to the town center to do get something to eat and I wanted to look at some of the stores. We went to a resturaunt that had caught fish locally, reminded me of Jeff. Howl got halibut, and I got tuna. I took a picture of us and sent it to Jeff saying how the resturaunt caught fish locally and how it reminded me of him. After eating, we headed to the shopping center where there were a lot of decorative items for keepsakes. There was a small stand where they did airbrush shirts. That gave me an idea.

"Hey, Howl."


"I saw this with many other newly weds. Where they got a shirt with writing on their backs. One saying, "If lost, return to [insert name and or last name]." And on the other shirt it would say, "I'm [insert name and or last name]."

He kind of gave me a funny look then laughed a little, "I think it's a great idea!"

We walked up to the stand, told them what we wanted, and payed. It took about thirty minutes for the shirts to be made. While we were waiting, we got some ice cream and some shirts. I got a shirt that had some palm trees on it, and Howl got a tropical looking shirt, he also got a tank top with a shark on it. When the thirty minutes were up, we headed back and got out shirts. We wanted to see them when we got back to the hotel. We walked around a little more, looking at all the trees and being one with nature. We got back and we opened the bags to look at them. They were pretty funny and amazing at the same time. Mine said: "If lost, return to Howl." There was a little bird flying around Howl's name and on the back of Howl's it said: "I'm Howl." With the same bird flying around his name.

"This is too cute!"

I took a picture of them and sent them to Jeff and said: "Should get this for Marcus and you."

We sat down on the couch and watched some old movies we bought tonight. Some were Godzilla and others were old romance movies. Felling my eyes droop, I fell asleep on Howl's shoulder. It was an hour before Howl picked me up and took me to our bedroom. He set me down and crawled into bed next to me.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Howl."

He kissed my forehead and pulled me close to him. The same body heat as I remember from before. It was a wonderful night in paradise.

The next day was our last night here. Tomorrow morning is when we leave. Howl and I were packing slightly before we went on our normal morning beach walk. We headed out down towards the beach and saw there was a beached shark on the shore. Twenty men were trying to push it in, but the shark was trying to bite them all. 

"Howl, we have to help."


We headed over and the men tried to shove us away.

"Hold on, this is a job for men, young lady."

"Um, actually she's pretty good with animals and she's also pretty strong," Howl said.

"Yeah," I said as I got a little defensive.

"Alright, have at it."

I walked towards the shark, and looked right into his big black eyes. From what my dad taught me, he always said to respect wildlife and to help them when needed. And that when facing a creature that is likely going to kill you in the wild, treat it with respect and a caring heart. He also said that when mother was going to die, she would turn into any animal to follow me around, to make sure I was alright. This moment, I thought this shark was my mother. The shark was gentle and more clam when I walked up to look in its eyes. I got close to the shark, so the men couldn't hear me and think I was insane. 

"Mother, is that you?"

The shark looked straight at me and the black mass in its eyes, turned to a nice shade of jade. My mother's eyes. This was her. I patted her nose and looked at Howl.

"Can you help me here?"

Howl came down and helped me push my mother back into the water. She swam away and soon took the form of a dolphin. She leapt out of the water, waved a fin at us, and splashed back into the ocean. 

"How did you do that?" the same man asked.

"I connect with animals on a spiritual level."

We left and the man stood there in awe. He was so confused when Howl and I left. It was too funny that we headed back to regain our self control.

"He looked so dumb-founded," Howl said.

"It looked as it he didn't know some people connect with animals!"

Howl stood there and looked right into my eyes. He then got closer and pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and he picked me up, heading to the bed. He set me down and he crawled on top of me. My arms were around his neck and his were on my hips. He forced his tongue into my mouth that I slipped my tongue over his, causing a war. I soon won and slipped my tongue further into his mouth. His hand soon travled underneath my shirt and he rubbed my sides and chest. I pulled away and took off his shirt. He took off mine and he planted kisses all the way down to my stomach. 

(Ok, mild lemon over. You should know I don't go farther than this. So, sorry guys! Maybe one day! I'll take the extra step.)

Sweating and out of breath, we were tangled with the covers and Howl had his arms wrapped around me stomach. 

"That was the best experience ever."

"I agree," I gasped.

He kissed me once more and we fell asleep.

~Hey guys! Hope you liked the deleted chapter! Sorry about the end, I just am so uncomfortable with writing things like that. Maybe one day I'll get comfortable. Until then, this is all you get. And OMG 140+ reads! You guys must like this story then! I am now open to requests. Request anything (Within reason) and I might consider your idea! Anywho, hope you guys enjoy this story! BAAAIIII!!!!!!!!!

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