100K Special

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A/N: Again, thank you guys so much for getting this story to where it is today. I seriously couldn't have done it without you guys. Like I said in the announcement chapter, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you amazing people out there who still reads this story to this day. If I didn't have such a wonderful audience such as yourselves, I wouldn't be continuing to write this story. I would probably not be writing at all. You guys gave me hope that no matter how cringy I write, people are still going to read it. So again, thank you so much for getting this story to where it is. And without further ado, let's get into this special chapter, which you still have to see what it's about! Also before I forget, this is not linear with the story itself. So treat this as like an AU or something because it will not fit with the story.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Howl asked as he walked over to where I was. 

I was sitting on the couch inside the castle. It has been a few weeks since Howl and I started to date. I had a book in my lap all about traveling. 

"Wanting to travel?" Howl asked.

I picked my head up and nodded, "Yeah. I was thinking about this place. Look at it, Howl."

He picked up the book and read through the place of interest. He nodded his head and handed it back to me, "I've never been to such a secluded area like that before."

"Howl, you live in The Waste."

"Fair enough," he chuckled. "What would we even do there?"

"Connect with nature, Howl."


"Yeah. Legend says there are forest spirits there."

"Forest spirits? That is definitely something to look into."

"Come on, Howl. We can bring Markl and Lucy along."

"I'll have to ask them," Howl said.

"So what do you say, Howl?"

"Sounds good to me. Always wanted to go on a little vacation."

"Let's get packing!" I smiled at him.

"I don't think there is a need to. The Castle can take us to where you were thinking of."

"More like me," Calcifer said.

We both chuckled. Howl walked over to Calcifer and gave him the directions on where we were going to go. We left to go pick up Lucy since Markl did not want to be alone on this trip with just Howl and myself. Once we had everyone, we flew into the air and made our way towards the country side. Howl and I were up on the balcony looking at the place where we were going to be staying for a week. 

"Calcifer, land the Castle in that field," Howl said.

"On it," he said and the castle started to descend into the small field Howl had spotted.

Howl and I walked down to the main area to see Makrl and Lucy were wasting no time on getting outside.

"Hold on you two, I want you back here before sun down," Howl said.

"Yes, Howl," Markl said and ran off.

"They're not going to be back," Howl sighed.

"They're teenagers. They can handle themselves," I said and closed the door behind us.

"So, where do you want to go off to?" Howl asked.

I looked at the area and smiled. I wanted to explore every place of this area, but it looked to be a bit bigger than the photos. I looked at the ground to see there was an acorn at my feet. I bent down and picked it up.

"An acorn?" Howl asked.

I looked back down to see there was a trail of them. I started to follow them.

"Y/N, where are you going?"

"Come on, Howl!" I said and continued to follow them until I was met with a great forest in front of me.

"Don't run off, Y/N," Howl said as he came up from behind.

"Look at this. Have you ever seen a forest this big?" I turned and faced him.

"I read a story about this forest while we were coming here."

"A story?"

"There is a mythical tree spirit here and it lives in the biggest tree here."

"A tree spirit? Like a Kodama?"

"Sort of," he said.

"Let's go look!"

I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the forest. We walked around, trying to find where the largest tree was. As we were walking, I noticed there were more acorns. So I decided to follow them to see they were going up a hill and they stopped at a small tunnel. I bent down and poked my head in to see that there were little footprints.

"Howl, Howl, come here!" I said and waved him over.

"What's the matter, Y/N?"

"Look through there," I pointed into the small tunnel.

He got onto his hands and knees and peeked into the tunnel.

"I don't see anything," he said.

"What?" I asked and looked at it again. "I swear there are little footprints."

"It's getting a little late, Y/N. I think it's about time we head back."

"Yeah, you're right," I said and stood up.

I didn't take one step and the ground underneath me started to give way. 



I reached out to try to grab his hand, but his slipped right through mine.



I fell into the black pool and I tried to look around. Nothing could be seen for miles upon miles. It was all just black nothingness. What felt like forever, color started to appear. I was then placed on the ground. I looked around, seeing that there was a small town nearby. Brushing the dirt off as I stood up, I walked over to the town to check it out.

"Where am I now?" I asked.


I turned around to see Howl was right behind me.

"Howl, did you fall down the hole too?"

"I wasn't going to let you fall by yourself."

"Do you know where we are?" I asked.

He looked around the small area and sighed. He nodded his head.

"However, there is one more thing you need to worry about."

"What's that?"

I looked to my right to see there was a huge wolf, followed by two other ones, were coming right towards us.

"Do you see that, Howl?"

He nodded his head, "Yes."

I turned to the left to see there was a giant gray bear looking thing. There was even a cat bus running right beside it.

"That, you see that too?"


I then looked up at the sky to see there was a dragon flying.

"Howl, where in the heck are we?"

"Welcome, to the Spirit World."

~Hey guys! I deeply apologize for not getting this out sooner! I was too worked up with school and everything and to be honest, with the whole pandemic and everything, it has drained some of my energy. So I am less motivated to write in general than before. But with the motivation that I have I finished the first part of the 100k special! That's right! There is a part 2! I hope you're excited as I am to read how this special chapter plays out.

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